Page 3 - The Leadership Line: November 2022
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The Civilian Transition USERRA Training
The DOD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for Service members to gain valuable
civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships
during the last 180 days of service. SkillBridge connects Service members with industry
partners such as MIL, in real-world job experiences. The goal is to provide knowledge, skills,
and experience in a civilian setting for post-military career prospects.
HR Business Partner Julissa Sanabria recently discussed the transition from military to
civilian life with a group of veteran employees and how MIL has supported their post-
military experience through the SkillBridge program.
Jessica Robinson Mike Jackson
Jessica, a Cyber, Engineering Tech, served eight years Mike’s biggest challenge was being in a prior leadership
with the Navy. Jessica shared that one challenge she role as a Master Sergeant. He was the person people
faced while transitioning from the military was that she came to. Transitioning to a role in a civilian capacity and
didn’t think about benefits while serving, something she not knowing the key players or how the organization
now must consider. Jessica stated how eye-opening the operationally works is the biggest challenge. He credits
“real world” has been. “The military is strict vs the real his leadership as supportive as he settles into his new
world.” She is appreciative that she was able to transition home in Hughesville, MD. Having been in the military
to a civilian role through the SkillBridge program and is for over two decades, Mike states that the military is
learning and enjoying her time at MIL. strict and very structured. Mike’s passion is to grow
Jeff Delaney and assist in showcasing the SkillBridge program at
MIL. “SkillBridge was instrumental in moving from the
Jeff is a Security Engineering Associate who spent Marine Corp to PAX. All the cool stuff does happen in
21 years in the Air Force. He started his SkillBridge Cyber Security.” After his military time, Mike finds that
journey with MIL as a 100 percent remote intern while he is reinventing himself. Having others who are also
still living in Texas. MIL’s SkillBridge team helped him transitioning to civilian life and creating new friendships
focus on successfully completing the Certified Ethical have been instrumental for him. Mike ends by saying
Hacking course. This certification is an important that “MIL is the door to get into CYBER.”
factor to be employed and working with MIL’s Cyber
sector. Jeff states, “This focus provided my family and
I the flexibility to complete most of my retirement Important November Dates
appointments prior to my official retirement date. MIL’s » Veterans Day, November 11th
understanding and care for service members helped » U.S. General Election Day, November 8th
make my transition from Active Duty to civilian life » Thanksgiving, November 24th
seamless and stress-free.”
Learning Opportunities » This month’s Mental Health Skill Building
Webinar: Mindfulness/Control vs Mindfulness
» EAP Manager Newsletter Discover how noticing and accepting thoughts and
» Did you miss the ADP Manager Tools Lunch & emotions reduces stress and anxiety.
Learn? Watch a pre-recorded video on the ADP • Join Uprise for a 30-minute webinar and Q&A
Manager Tools page on the MILtranet! • November 17, 2022 | 3PM EST.
• Click to Register for the Webinar.