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P. 108
understand we are related to some people and we understand some of the terms
used to describe those relatives. We all know terms like mother, father, uncle,
aunt, brother, sister, grand mother, grand father, cousin, nephew, niece, spouse,
sibling, and in-laws. We sometimes might even use words like great grand father,
or second cousin, or maybe, even the term twice removed. ( I do not ever
remember using that term and if I ever did I did not know what I was saying.)
Navigating through genealogy a person runs into terms describing family
relationships often and it helps to know a little about the terms to understand
what’s being said but even more importantly one needs to know terms in order
to tell someone else about that new relative you just discovered or to explain to
some stranger you are calling for information just how it is you two are related.
There are books available in the library that explain some of the more
complicated family ancestor relationships and how to make a determination
regarding exactly how people are related but in the following I am going to show
you a fairly simple way of determining exactly how you are related to another
person using a chart.
This chart was sent to me by DR EUGENE CHESSON of Prescott, Arizona
during one of our first communications. You will recall the librarian at the
North Carolina State Library in Raleigh, NC sent me a couple of documents
written by DR CHESSON who has researched the FOYs for more than twenty
years. Through the following chart DR CHESSON informed me we were fourth
cousins once removed (4C/1R).
Ch. 11 Pg. 2