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                       MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS

                       [NOTE: There           is  a  wide    variety     of   records      available       but   for
               most      readers       they    will   not   be   of   much      use    or  value.       For   that
               reason printouts of some records will require a special order.
               For    example.....      a  compilation         of  instances       where      the   name      FOY
               appears        in  all  the  US   Census        Index     Records       for   all  states    in  the
               United      States      dating     from     1790     is  available.      This     record     is  96
               pages       long    and    will  require      an   additional       charge      to  reproduce.
               Those        listed     below,      however,         are     included        in   this    update.
               Usually       those     records      which      mention       specific      and    known       FOY
               relatives      will  be   included       in  the   updates.]
                              Texas Index of Death Records 1903 - 1976.
                              Early Louisiana Marriage Records

                                      Table             of       Contents                    9
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16