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ten years and so gained the confidence of his superiors with his piety
               and zeal they made him the guardian of their most prized treasure, the
               tomb of Saint FIDES.

               By that time Saint FIDES' name had been Gallicized.  It was changed
               to FOY or FOI.  The young saint had become known as Saint FOY.

               One night when all the others were asleep or at prayer, so the story

               goes, ARVISCUS broke open the tomb, scooped up the bones of the
               Saint FOY, and fled over the hills back to Conques.

               The      monks         of
               Conques           were
               proud of their plan
               to  steal Saint     FOY.

               They     wrote many
               accounts       of   it  in
               both      verse      and
               prose which they
               called THE FURTIVE
               TRANSLATION           OF

               THE HOLY RELICS.

               They     reasoned       in
               their hardheaded,
               medieval way  that their plan was  an  act of piety. They claimed that
               if  Saint FOY did not want her bones removed from Agen, she could
               have stopped ARIVISCUS in his tracks.

               With Saint      FOY’s bones        on display miracles began              to happen at
               Conques.  Thousands of pilgrims journeyed to the monastery, many of
               them bringing rich gifts for the Saint.  The monks decided Saint FOY's
               bones needed to be properly housed, so they crafted a 33 inch statue

               called the  MAJESTY OF SAINT FOY.

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