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P. 82
Onslow County had only minor border changes during the period of 1731-1734
but its borders between Duplin County would not be clarified until 1819. Other
boundaries were settled much later. For example the boundary between Onslow
and Jones County was not settled until 1921. The Pender County dispute over
boundaries was not settled until 1924.
A major boundary change would take place in 1941 at which time the United
States Government condemned about twenty five percent of the county for the
construction of a military training site known as Camp Lejeune.
The book Onslow County Heritage, copyrighted by The Onslow County
Historical Society in Jacksonville, NC in 1983 dedicates most of its more than
500 pages to write ups concerning families and individuals who have been an
important part of Onslow’s history. Nine major FOY groups are written up in
that section.
It was earlier mentioned that there is a write up of FRANCIS FOY in this book.
In addition to him there are write ups about JAMES FOY, SR, ENOCH FOY,
relatives of the FOY family through which the Cisco Clan descended.
Onslow County, NC is a historical part of the Cisco Clan heritage. The first FOY
of our line to move to Onslow County appears to be JAMES FOY, SR. We will
be mentioning Onslow County, North Carolina and the FOYs who lived there
several times throughout the remainder of this book.
Ch. 8 Pg. 3