Page 166 - Foy
P. 166

Therefore, if to the first and principal requisite of being Catholics or agreeing
                       to  become so, before entering Spanish territory they also add that                 of
                       accrediting their good character and habits........ and taking the necessary
                       oath  to be  obedient in all things   to the  government,    to take up  arms in its
                       defense against all kinds of enemies, and to be faithful to the King, and to
                       observe the political institution of the Spanish monarchy, the mosot flattering
                       hopes   may be that {Texas} will receive         an important augmentation in
                       agriculture, industry, and arts by the new immigrants, who will introduce

               Added to that resolution by Texas Governor Martinez was the following:
                       I shall also expect from the prudence which your actions demonstrate, and
                       for your own peace and prosperity, that all families you introduce shall be
                       honest and industrious, in order that idleness and vice may not pervert the
                       good and meritorious who are worthy of Spanish esteem and the protection
                       of this government, which will be extended to them in proportion to the moral
                       virtue displayed by them.

               In 1821 Austin’s applicants for his colony began to arrive. The colony was established
               in  Brazos River bottomland near the areas of today’s Brenham, Navasota ,                 and
               Washington on the Brazos area which is North West of Houston, TX. A great deal of
               interesting  history took place during those times in that area. Families came to the
               colony from Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee and Missouri.  They came to
               get cheap land and got some of the best farming land in Texas, even today. By 1825 the
               colony had 1,347 “whites” and 443 “slaves”.


               After his first 300 patents were used up, Austin applied for and got more.  In ten years
               Austin located more than 1,500 American families into Texas.  These became the heart
               of Anglo-Texas.  In a single decade these people chopped more wood, cleared more
               land, broke more soil, raised more crops, had more children, and built more towns that
               the Spanish had in three hundred years.

               But, things were changing in Texas while this was all going on. At first only Austin was
               allowed   to import  people into Texas but in May 1824 that began to change as             the
               Spanish government envisioned Texas becoming a state, along with other states, within

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