Page 32 - Foy
P. 32


                        oncerning who was the first FOY of our group to come to the New World,
                        my previous effort      at writing a historical novel about the FOYs, i.e.
               CVolume One of FOYs WHO CAME TO TEXAS, began its history in the
               year 1611 in France where ADAM de-la FOYE had just been knighted by the
               King of France as a political favor. He was thereafter known as SIR FOYE. This
               part of the story is true. There was a man named FOYE who was knighted in
               France in 1611 but there is nothing to suggest this individual was an ancestor to
               the FOYs who came to the new world.

               The text fictionally then portrayed ADAM de-la-FOYE as one of the leaders of
               the Huguenots, a Protestant religious group who were at war with the Catholics,
               who were then politically and religiously in control of France.

               The story continued to        relate the history of the persecution suffered by the

               Huguenots in France.  The historical facts in that story were true and can be
               studied   in  any  world   or  French   history  book.    That   history  is  a  chronicle of
               horrible and shameful acts by men upon other men, all in the name of religion.

               As a result of the continuous wars between the Protestants and the Catholics,
               thousands of Huguenots fled France to different parts of the world, including
               England and the New World.


               Volume One       fictionally related that ADAM de-la FOYE               had a son named
               FRANCIS who, during the persecutions, fled to Yorkshire, England and there

               established a shipping firm       which later did business with entities in the New
               World. Becoming very successful in the shipping               business and having made
               investments     with  others  in  the  New World     FRANCIS       and his wife,   SERINA
               MILES, decided to move from Yorkshire, England to the Baltimore, Maryland
               area in America.

               All the historical facts discussed in that fictionalized volume were accurate but

                                                        TAB  2 Pg. 1
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