Page 88 - WM Manual Guide and Monitor 2024 - 2025
P. 88

The Transition to Speculative Freemasonry

                    Any study of the history of Freemasonry  cannot be attributed to a single
                     time, place, person or doctrine. As Speculative Masons, several key
                     events took place over several centuries and are noted as innovative or
                     first time occurrences.
                    The building of King Solomon's Temple believed to have been completed in
                     960 BC King Solomon's Temple believed to have been destroyed in 587 BC

                    Prince Edward presided over first Grand Lodge, Speculative, of York Rite
                     Masons in 926 In Germany, operative Masons publish  regulations,
                     ceremonies and titles, 1080 Construction  of Melrose Abby Church, traveling
                     Masons put marks on stones, 1136 Earliest known use of the term "Lodge" in
                     the records of Vale Royal Abby, 1278
                    York Minster Masonic Ordinance passed in English, using the word "Mason"
                     in 1370 Regius Poem or Halliwell Manuscript, (of moral duties) oldest
                     known manuscript 1390 The word  Freemason  appears for the first time in
                     Statutes of England  1487 William Schaw wrote Rules for Kilwinning, using
                     the term "Fellow of the Craft"1584 Oldest known existing lodge, Edinburgh
                     Lodge No. 1, Scotland 1599

                    John Boswell became the first Speculative Mason admitted to Edinburgh No.
                     1, 1600 Grand Lodge of London & Westminster formed by four Grand
                     Lodges, June 24, 1717 Dr. James Anderson  published  first edition of
                     Constitutions of the Freemasons  1723 Daniel Coxe appointed Provincial G M
                     of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania 1730
                    Ben Franklin reprints Anderson's Constitutions, first Masonic book published
                     in US 1734 The Ancient Grand Lodge of Ireland founded to protest attitude
                     of Grand Lodge, 1751 Prince Hall and 14 others raised by Irish Lodge #441,
                     as African Lodge #459 in, 1775

                    Ancients and Modems unite to form United Grand Lodge of Ancient
                     Freemasons1813 Descendants of African Grand Lodge meet to become
                     Prince Hall Grand Lodges1847

                    Most Worshipful Hiram Grand Lodge Incorporated in Buffalo, N Y, August
                     20, 1908 The Fifty Year Souvenir Journal of M W Hiram G L archived in
                     Schomburg Library 1958
                    Centennial Souvenir Journal of M W Hiram Grand Lodge in Schomburg
                     Library 2013 PM
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