Page 17 - Our Photo Story
P. 17


                                   Attend (v): to go to an event, place, etc.

                                   Memorable (adj): likely to be remembered or worth remembering.

                                   Ensure (v): to make something certain to happen.

                                   Appeal (v): to make a serious or formal request, especially to the public, for money,

                                   information, or help.

                                   Gather (v): to collect several things, often from different places or people.

                                   Occasionally (adv): sometimes but not often.

                                   Compare (v): to examine or look for the difference between two or more things.

                                   Food court (n): a large area or room, for example inside a shopping centre, where

                                   there are small restaurants selling many different types of food that you can eat

                                   at tables in the middle of the area.

                                   Elsewhere (adv): at, in, from, or to another place or other places; anywhere or

                                   somewhere else.

                                   Intention (n): something that you want and plan to do.

                                   Approach (v): to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time,

                                   quality, or amount.

                                   Relieve (v): to make something bad or painful less severe.
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