Page 3 - My Growing Space: Gardening Workshop
P. 3

Program Timetable
Week 1
17 & 18 July
Plan our To-Do List
Get to know the area of planting and discuss ideas
Plan for what tools and plants to buy
Week 2
24 & 25 July
Purchase Items
Go out and buy tools
Prep garden beds, weeds & fill pots with mulch
Week 3
31 July & 1 August
Prep the Area
Arrange where the pots go (sun, semi sun or shade)
Weed and trim rake and place garden edging around your
Week 4
7 & 8 August
Tool Safety
Have a understanding of tools and how to use them safely
Learning appropriate suns safe clothing: hats, shoes & water
Program Outline
First Block: 17 July 2024 - 8 August 2024
During our first block of our Gardening workshop happening every Wednesday and
Thursday, we will learn the basic skills of gardening.
Week 1 is about planning and researching the types of herbs, plants, and vegetables
to purchase and plant, as well as the appropriate gardening tools. This includes
understanding the best locations for planting, whether in full sun, semi-sun, or shaded
areas, and learning about soil, mulch, and fertilisers to ensure optimal growth and
nutrient content.
Week 2 involves researching and purchasing the best gardening tools, compiling a list,
and preparing the garden beds and pots with soil.
Week 3 involves cleaning the garden area, finishing soil placement, weeding,
trimming, raking, and adding garden edging.
Week 4 emphasises learning tool safety to prevent injuries, staying hydrated, and
ensuring proper use of gardening tools.
Gardening Workshop

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