Page 4 - My Growing Space: Gardening Workshop
P. 4

Second Block: 14 August 2024 - 5 September 2024
During our second block of our Gardening Workshop happening every Wednesday
and Thursday, we will now plant and fertilise our herbs and vegetables.
Week 1 will involve rehashing what was achieved from the first block. Then we will
now prepare the area for planting herbs, fruits, vegetables, and plants by weeding and
placing soil in pots and garden beds.
Week 2 involves potting the plants, fertilising them, and ensuring they have adequate
space, sunlight, and moisture.
Week 3 is about learning about each plant, understanding how to identify ripeness,
and checking for pests and diseases.
Week 4 is about reinforcing the knowledge from Week 3 and learning which herbs,
fruits, or vegetables pair best with various dishes for optimal cooking and eating.
Program Timetable
Week 1
14 & 15 August
Preparing our Area ready for Planting
Weed garden beds
Fill pots with mulch
Week 2
21 & 22 August
Planting & Fertilising
Fertilise the plants
Place plants into the garden beds
Week 3
28 & 29 August
Education on Herbs & Vegetables
Learn about different herbs & vegetables
Identify ripeness of fruits
Week 4
4 & 5 September
Education on Picking & Times
How to tell when the plant is ripe for picking
Learning what vegetables & herbs go best with foods
How to maintain a garden
Program Outline
Gardening Workshop

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