Page 10 - Fiction Rough draft--The Great Elopement_La Gran Fuga, setting rural PR, early 1940’s_Float
P. 10
When he arrived to Delmitas house, don
Don Manuel was yelling. “Salga para afuera si
Manuel had already left. He found her se cree que es un hombre “Cundo! Come out as
mother Rosa and sisters Ana and a man,”
Mercedes, and told them where Delmita . By now neighbors were gathering in front of
was. He told them what she requested.
Petrona’s house. “Cundo, te llevaste a
Dona Rosa exclaimed,” what? She sent you Delmit,a? Ven y habla conmigo, hombre a
to get her grandma’s favorite dress?The hombre.” Why did you run away with my
one papa always remembered his dear daughter, come speak to me , like a man.
mother wearing? And the brooch her father
gave her his mother on her quinceanera?” I
can’t believe this . Ay Dios mio!” Then
Tio Cundo later said that at that moment he
Delmitas’ mom sighed, and said.” Esa felt a pang in his stomach. Whether it was
muchacha me va a matar con sus cosas! “
that he was in love or in trouble he was not
Bueno, ya que voy a hacer- Dios te guarde sure. It all seemed so clear last night. He
Edmundo. And she handed the items to
and Delmita had promised love forever. She
would be his mujer, his wife, for life. And
they didn’t want to try to convince the
families. The families had their own plans
for them and could not be convinced
otherwise.. No, Delmita and Cundo made
an agreement. They would take life by the
reins and marry. That was the decision.
And he knew he would take good care of
HIs brother, Quique, said. “I’ll go with you.
So did Petrona. She was crying but she
figured don Manuel might have some
restraint if she came out too.
The Confrontation
The way back seemed much faster. He
already knew what to avoid. But when he
arrived at the back window of his room, he
heard a loud noise towards el balcon, the
front porch , of the house.
Don Manuel was there on horseback,
calling out Tio . And he was carrying his