Page 34 - Issue 1289 password
P. 34
by Billy Bored Pop Go The Weasels
No panic, just caution; that’s climb to #2. Harry styles’ is now Top 15 and climbing.
the phrase of the day! With “Adore You” was a Top 10 Meghan Trainor’s “Nice
so many cancellations and gainer at both Hot and Pop, to Meet Ya” f/Nicki Minaj is
postponements on the boards where it looks to join the Top now on 60+ stations including
of festivals, tours and now even 5 shortly. Maren Morris’ “The Music Choice, HiTs1, KDis and
offices, it makes everyone just a Bones” moves Top 35 at Pop WiTH… Hollywood records’
little more cautious. We are in after a rare return to #1 at Finck, smith & ennis have
the people business, pressing Country. Noah Cyrus’ “July” launched New Hope Club’s
flesh at gatherings is what we is edging close to 1m in U.S. “Let Me Down Slow” f/r3HAb,
all do so be mindful and stay consumption and charts at pulling in 25 stations to date
safe everyone… Warner’s Pop… Def Jam’s Farag has including WiOQ, KALV, WNKs
Chester, Dyer, reich & shih Justin bieber’s “Intentions” and WHbQ… interscope’s
continue their run at #1 with f/Quavo set to join the Top romano & Lopes impacted 5
Dua Lipa’s “Don’t Start Now” 10 with a closed-out panel… seconds of summer’s “Old
and there are still people just epic’s sackheim, Afloarei & Me” with major adds from
moving it to power rotation. Dimig put reGArD’s “Ride KHKs, KDIS, KYLD and KUDD JUST BECAUSE
Ali Gatie’s “What If I Told You It” back in the Most Added amongst their 4+ stations,
That I Love You” scored major column, pulling in major adds landing them as the #2 Most panel at Pop. It’s also now Top
market airplay this week from at KIIS, WKTU and WZYP as Added. Lady Gaga’s “Stupid 15. Trevor Daniel’s “Falling”
WFLC and WODs and is now the track joins the Top 30 with Love” closed out the panel on is Top 20 with 150+ stations
on 65+ station and headed 90 stations on board. Camila only the second week of adds on board… rCA’s riccitelli,
toward the chart. bryce Vine’s Cabello’s “My Oh My” f/ and it’s already headed Top 15. Maldonado, Jr & Daddio had
“Baby Girl” was the #3 Most Dababy joins the Top 10, and blackbear’s “hot girl bummer” two tracks in Most Added this
week, Doja Cat’s “Say So”
Added track at Pop this week week,
pulling in 33 adds on impact… “In a world where everything has been taking ( (Kemosabe) with 15 adds,
which is now on 170+ stations
in2une’s Connone & Lucek put FOREVER to break through, ‘My Oh My’ from which is now on 170+ stations
and heading Top 15, and
Lauv’s “Modern Loneliness” Camila reacted instantly.” and heading Top 15, and
back in the Most Added brOCKHAMPTON’s “SUGAR”
with 8 adds, currently on 100+
column, posting 14 new adds — Jeff McCartney, KZHT with 8 adds, currently on 100+
and bringing their total number stations and set to join the
stations and set to join the
is now Top 3 and moving into
Top 30.
of stations to 80. It has already KZHT’s Jeff McCartney says, is now Top 3 and moving into Top 30. Khalid X Disclosure’s
charted and should move up “In a world where everything Power rotation everywhere. “Know Your Worth” is heading
quickly. It already has 22m has been taking FOREVER to billie eilish’s “everything i Top 15 with 165 stations
streams and 25k shazams… break through, ‘My Oh My’ wanted” is looking to join the on board and close to 100m
republic’s spangler, romeo from Camila reacted instantly. Top 5 and the consumption streams. Spin leaders include
& Dastur, along with island’s The audience spoke quickly. story on this continues to build WNrG, KbKs, and KDIS. sZA
schiffman, impact Demi It was a pleasure to not have as she rules all the Spotify X Justin Timberlake’s “The
Lovato’s “I Love Me,” and to wait 13+ weeks to see this charts. selena Gomez’s “Rare” Other Side” joins the Top 20
score 152 adds, taking the #1 move up in rotation.” black has been Top 10 for 5 weeks this week with a closed-out
Most Added honors for the eyed Peas X J. balvin’s at Spotify’s Today’s Top Hits panel… Capitol’s Marella,
week. It’s already heading Top “RITMO (Bad Boys for Life)” and is close to a closed-out Nolletti, Acampora & siciliano
25. Their other joint effort is have Halsey’s “You should
PUbLiC’s “Make You Mine,” be sad” heading Top 10 with
which heads Top 25 with 130m Top 5 research. sam smith’s
streams and 15m video views. “To Die For” is now Top 25
Republic also has two tracks with 150+ stations on board.
from The Weeknd in the Top Lewis Capaldi’s “Before You
10. “Heartless” is Top 5, while Go” looks set to join the Top
“Blinding Lights” joins the Top 25 is a Top 25 most-streamed
10. Taylor swift’s “The Man” is artist on Spotify’s Today’s
looking to join the Top 20 with Top Hits. Niall Horan’s “No
over 120m spotify streams. Judgement” is now on 100+
Chelsea Cutler’s “Sad Tonight” stations including KAMP, HITS1
is heading Top 30 and just and Z100 and is heading Top
posted new adds at Kiis and 30. surfaces’ “Sunday Best” is
KZZP. Conan Gray’s “Maniac” now chartbound scoring 65+
is chartbound… Columbia’s stations on impact including
Gray, burruss, bedard, Z100, KIIS, KMVQ and KHTs…
stevens & brenner have THE SPINS CLUB: Hollywood Records’ New Hope Club pose Music We Love: sam Fischer’s
Arizona Zervas’ “ROxANNE” with WKSS Hartford’s Jagger during a lounge at the station. “This City” (sony U.K./RCA)
poised to claim the #1 spot on Shortly after this photo was taken, the members of New Hope and Diplo’s “Heartless” f/Julia
the Pop chart as they continue Club thoroughly washed their hands, as they do after every Michaels & Morgan Wallen
to pull in spin increases and radio photo op. (Mad Decent/Columbia)
34 HITS March 16, 2020