Page 3 - NR Book 3 - Chapter 1
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                                                                   “ The only way not to succeed is not to try.”
                                                                                                Edward Teller

            Another book on computers .... I've already seen so many of them. Why should I bother
            with this one? What makes this book different from the others?

            Each  year  hundreds  of  books,  fuzzy  systems  and  evolutionary  computation  extend  our

            knowledge of Computers.
            Today's kids are hardwired in a fundamentally different way than most of the adults who teach

            them. Every child from high school on down grows up immersed in a world of technology. None
            have known a world without visual computing. Many never saw a day in which broadband Net
            access wasn't delivered directly to one of the two or three PCs in their house. Other items within
            easy daily reach include a DVD’s, various cell phones, and gaming consoles.

            Personal  computers  have  become  indispensable  in  our  everyday  life.  We  use  them  as  a
            typewriter and a calculator, a calendar and a communication system, an interactive database and

            a decision-support system.  And we want more. We want our computers to act intelligently!

            Unlike many books on computers, this one shows that most ideas behind learning computers are
            wonderfully simple and easy to understand. This book is also suitable as a self-study guide for
            all. This book provides access to state of the art in knowledge - based systems and computational

            This series is prepared in accordance with the guidelines and syllabus formulated by a team of

            International computer experts in the field of education.
            Learn with Computers - Book 3 is the Third book in this series covering the Basics of Input

            and Output devices and gives a wide understanding on Stick Figure animations. It also
            gives an extensive study of painting in Tux Paint. There are a lot of actual screenshots and
            plenty of illustrations relevant to the concept presented in multicolor graphics. Each chapter has
            got separate exercises for Classroom session and Machine room session.

            I  would  like  to  gratefully  thank  Mrs.V.Shyamala  M.A.,  B.Ed.,  Mr.J.Vinoth  Dhiraviraj
            M.A.,B.Ed.,  M.Phil.,  and  Mr.  J.  Praveen  Christopher  M.A.,  M.Phil.,  who  encouraged  and

            supported us in framing this Book.

            Suggestions for enhancement of this book from Educators and Readers are most welcome.

            R. Wilson Kirubakaran.
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