Page 31 - The Prayer Mantle
P. 31
The Prayer Mantle
[27] And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden
shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke
from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed
because of the anointing.
What are yokes? Yokes are obvious deterrents to achieving
anything that God has planned for His children. Yokes
prevents anyone in its snare to achieve success. It prevents
the bearer from everything that is good, but our God has
the solution. He is the one with the power to break every
yoke. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has broken every yoke
by His anointing. The scripture makes us to understand by
reason of the anointing every yoke that has been holding
you shall be broken. Today is the day that every yoke
holding you down shall be broken. Yokes of failure, yokes
of setback, yokes of poverty, yokes of barrenness, yokes of
sicknesses shall be broken in the name Jesus.
[1] I decree and declare that every yoke of depression and
oppression placed on my life by the enemy is being
destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.
[2] I decree and declare that any yoke of diseases, debt
and bankruptcy is broken off my life in the name of
Jesus Christ.
[3] I decree and declare that my life is breaking free from
the yoke of sin. I decree that I shall no longer walk
under the manipulations of satan in the name of Jesus