Page 16 - Lisi OEM
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         PAR T FAMILY

        Termax’s High-Retention Clips will provide you with a robust engineering
        solution for your high retention needs. Clips are available in a variety of
        “set-up heights” and “foot-prints”.

        Two Wings
        The two-winged design
        provides lower insertion
        efforts while retaining high                                                 Lock Top
        extraction values. Two-wings                                                 This new and innovative
        also reduces the opportunity                                                 feature provides the ultimate
        for a partial installation
  "B"   that is inherent with the                                                    robustness to the body of the
                                                                                     clip, both during installation
        conventional four-winged                                                     and once installed into
        design.                         Set-Up
 "E"                                                                                 sheetmetal.
 Set-Up   "A"    "C"           "C"


 "E"                                                                                                Torque Tabs
 Set-Up   "C"   “Coining”                Serviceability
          Termax’s unique “coining” process   Removal of the fastener from                    Eliminates the concern
          is applied to the wings of the clip   the slot can be accomplished                    of the screw backing
          providing lower insertion efforts   by “pinching” the opposing                              out over time.
  "B"     and additional control efforts.  tabs together.

 "E"   "A"
 Set-Up             "C"
                                                     OVERHEAD      VISOR    HEADLINER
        Common areas High-Retention           GRAB   CONSOLE                         B-PILLAR
        fasteners are applied.                HANDLE


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