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Dan Walker War Room
(previously Westerville HID War Room)
Dan Walker graduated from Ohio Northern
University in 1971 and came to Kokosing in
1976 through the acquisition of the R.W. Wander
Company. Dan displayed extraordinary leadership
capabilities and was promoted to vice president of
the heavy industrial division in 1983 and to president
in 2015. Dan’s strategic management brought
growth into new market sectors and geographic Portraits by Spork Designs
regions leading the division to become Kokosing Dominic LaRiccia and Drew Robinson have been creating all forms of art in
Industrial, Inc., one of the largest self-performing charcoal, graphite, acrylics, and digital media for almost 30 years. Spork Design
heavy industrial general contractors in the Midwest. was commissioned to create these stunning portraits. Each drawing not only
Dan was an integral part of the board of trustees for captures an accurate depiction of a real person’s features but each portrait offers a
several Ohio unions and served as the chairman of vivid sense of that person’s character.
the board of trustees for Ohio Northern University.
The special focus that Dan gave to Kokosing team Dominic and Drew used traditional, by-hand, sketching techniques then utilized
members laid the path for the future leaders that carry digital tools to composite layers and prepare for reproduction.
on his competitive spirit and drive to take on
new challenges.
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