Page 42 - dedication_pamphlett
P. 42

The Commons Conference                                                                                      The Heartwood Conference

                                                          Room                                                                                                        Room
                                                          (previously CK Conference Room E)                                                                           (previously CK Executive Conference Room)

                                                          Mayor Coleman had a vision for the Columbus Commons                                                         The stature and longevity of the Oak tree depend on the
                                                          to become the heart of downtown Columbus. The park-                                                         durability of the heartwood. If the heartwood becomes
                                                          like green space would replace one of the largest vacant                                                    unhealthy it may rot, causing the tree trunk to become
                                                          and abandoned buildings in the nation with a vibrant                                                        hollow and weakened. Such a tree will eventually fall in
                                                          community hub for all to gather. The Columbus Downtown                                                      the wake of the wind or lightning causing its branches and
                                                          Development Corporation trusted CK as their partner,                                                        leaves to wither and die. Like the Oak tree, the strength,
                                                          not only because of our expertise for this unique project,                                                  durability and longevity of CK is dependent on the
                                                          but also because of our commitment to this community.                                                       condition of its heartwood, its people and their
                                                          Since its completion, the Commons has embodied Mayor                                                        Core Values.
                                                          Coleman’s vision hosting numerous community events
                                                          highlighted by Pelotonia, Picnic with the Pops and the Cap
                                                          City Marathon.

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