Page 26 - The Ultimate Guidebook for Teens with Food Allergies
P. 26
Kyle - I’ll admit that I haven’t always given myself epinephrine when I should have. It’s intimidating to use a needle. As you know, once you do, you’ve pressed the “panic button” and you’ll need to go to the hospital. I now know how important it is to use it upon the first signs of anaphylaxis. It’s just not worth waiting to see how far it progresses.
Sophia - I gave myself epinephrine about thirty seconds after I realized something was not right. I was panicking at first. But I came to my senses and knew it I had to do it immediately.
Sydney P. - I usually give myself my auto-injector upon the first signs of an allergic reaction—which, for me, is a tingling on my tongue.
Would you ever be nervous or scared to use your epinephrine? Why?
Lindsay - I think I might be a little nervous because it’s a needle. But I know that this is a life or death
situation and I must use my auto-injector to help save my life.
Sophia - I was incredibly nervous the first time I had to use my auto-injector. I was home alone and, even though I was nineteen, I had never imagined what it would be like. It’s not only the feeling of having to inject yourself. It’s the feeling of what’s going to happen after. You know what you have to do even if you are nervous.
Sydney P. - I was very nervous to give myself my auto-injector the first time I had an allergic reaction. I didn’t want to make the trip to the hospital if I wasn’t having a true reaction. That said, I’ve learned that it’s much better to use it than to wait until things have progressed to a dangerous level. It seems to me that the earlier I administer the auto-injector, the less time I have to spend in the hospital!
Does it hurt?
Sophia – As much as I hate needles, I really don’t remember it hurting at all! When you’re in a situation that requires you to use the auto-injector to begin with, the thought of the needle isn’t as terrifying as some might make it out to be.
Sydney P. - To be completely honest, it really doesn’t hurt. I think the flu shot hurts more! Don’t be fooled by the giant shape of the whole device. The needle is actually very tiny. I was very afraid that it would hurt the first time I had a reaction. So I asked someone else to administer my auto-injector for me. But, after realizing how easy it was, I now do it myself!
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