Page 38 - The Ultimate Guidebook for Teens with Food Allergies
P. 38
Emily Rose - I found it easy to handle my allergy in high school. My school is very aware of allergies and has great protocols in place. The biggest difference I noticed is that I was more independent with my allergy. My teachers in elementary school would noticeably try to make sure I was safe and reinforce that peanuts were not allowed at school. In my high school, people can bring peanuts. So it is my job to make sure I stay vigilant and safe.
Samantha - I found it was relatively easy because I tried to figure everything out in advance and be prepared for any situations that might come up in a new environment.
Sydney H. - Transitioning from elementary to high school was difficult for me because I developed my allergies at the end of grade eight. When I began high school, I was still figuring out the precautions that needed to be taken and how to be responsible for my health and safety. I didn’t want to be different from my peers. So I was in denial about having allergies for a while. Now, in grade twelve, I have it all worked out. My friends and classmates are very supportive of the challenges I face as a result of my allergies. For me, the hardest part was adjusting to a new school’s way of handling allergies.
How many of your high school teachers know/knew about your allergies?
Daniela - I did not tell all of my teachers about my allergies. I always, however, made sure there were at least two people in each class who knew about my allergies and knew how to use my auto-injector (since I had classes with many of the same friends, this was very easy). I also always made sure to tell the coaches of sports teams, my band teacher who took us on trips, and any teachers responsible for field trips or outings about my allergies.
Samantha - All of my teachers know about my allergies. I have personally told them about it, and it also states on the attendance sheet which students have life-threatening allergies.
Sydney H. - At the beginning of every semester, I always give my new teachers a letter explaining my allergies and my medical emergency plan. I also speak to them after class on the first day to explain the severity and how they can help.
Where did/do you carry your auto-injector when at elementary school? High school?
Emily Rose - In elementary school, I carried my auto-injector on me in a little bag. In high school, I
always have a purse or backpack. So it is in there.
Samantha - In elementary school, I had an auto-injector pouch where I kept mine in it. In high school, I keep it either in a purse or in my backpack. But I prefer my purse because it is on me at all times.
Sydney H. - In elementary school and high school, I always carried two auto-injectors in my bag and there was always a spare one in the school office. My teachers and friends were always aware of where my auto-injector was kept.