Page 7 - ZaZaHospitality-Brochure-12.2021
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               D ALLA S & HOUS T ON                               as its exclusive partner to create 159 hotel keys (first
               Recognized as one of, if not the forerunner, of the early   10 floors) to go with their 121 multi-family residential
               21st century boutique hotel movement, Hotel ZaZa   units  (next  8  floors)  in  the  middle  of  their  “District”
               opened its initial property in 2003 within what would   sub-development.  With ZaZa operations and its stellar
               become the energetic Uptown District of Dallas.   From   reputation for food and beverage excellence, the hotel
               its incredibly popular Dragonfly restaurant, lounge, and   quickly moved to the top of the West Houston/Energy
               poolside spaces to the industry’s first set of opulently-  Corridor  sub-market.    Thanks  to  the  leasing  velocity
               designed, individually-themed Magnificent Seven    the  ZaZa  brand delivers,  MetroNational is developing
               suites and its later-added Bungalows, ZaZa Dallas   an  additional  25  story  multi-family  tower  adjacent  to
               blazed a trail through the 2000s that few hotels could   the Hotel ZaZa – a true testament to the ZaZa brand
               match.   A media darling, interior design award winner,   strength with the locals.
               and a magnet to the tonier locals and out-of-towners    
               alike, the Dallas location’s continued success spawned   ZaZa’s most recent addition to its portfolio is the Hotel
               the ZaZa re-development of the once-famed Warwick   ZaZa Austin Downtown.   Opened in September 2019
               Hotel in the Museum District of Houston.   After a wall   to incredible fanfare, the Austin ZaZa is also a hotel +
               to wall re-think, re-design, and re-engineer of this   multi-family joint use solution.  National powerhouse,
               grande dame, Hotel ZaZa Houston quickly became the   Gables Residential, was the master developer of this
               destination for a constant mixer of sparkling socialites,   new-build project.  ZaZa owns and operates the hotel
               breathtaking brides, and the up and coming corporate   portion (12 floors) of the breathtaking 24-story building
               decision makers of the country’s 4th largest city.  holding forth at 4th and Lavaca Streets.     Meanwhile
                                                                  Gables has 200 residential units contained within
               HOUS T ON & A US TIN                               floors 13 through 24.     The building and design
               With two hotels humming quite nicely and its       showcase ZaZa’s ability to create an incredibly unique
               condominium development, “The Metropolitan Club” -   solution  within  the  ultra-competitive  Austin  market. 
               connected to the Dallas ZaZa, creating an outstanding   Hotel operations have  generated  market-leading
               residential experience and compelling investment   total revenue per occupied room as well as Gables
               return, ZaZa expanded its horizons to include multi-  exceeding expectations in rental performance.
               family components in its next two endeavors.   Hotel
               ZaZa Memorial City, opened in late 2017, is ZaZa’s
               first collaboration with a third-party developer. 
               MetroNational Corporation is Houston’s pre-imminent
               family-owned DEVCO and controls a vast swathe of
               land within the fashionable Memorial Villages and
               bustling Energy Corridor.   MetroNational chose ZaZa

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