Page 29 - ZaZa Hospitality- 2021
P. 29


             ASHLEY BARTEK                           TRAVIS DRAKE                            LISA FUENTES

                   Director of                     Director of Web, e-Commerce                   Director of
                     Sales                              & Graphic Design                     Revenue Management

        Ashley started her career in the       Travis leads Hotel ZaZa’s creative and   Lisa graduated from the University of
        reservations  department,  quickly     design efforts while focusing on the   North Texas with a bachelor’s degree in
        moved through the sales and catering   growth  and  maintenance  of  a  cohesive   Hospitality Management.  Out of school,
        department  of the Museum District     brand. When arriving at Hotel ZaZa in   Lisa dove right into operations at several
        ZaZa, and to her first leadership position,   2010, He led a hotel wide re-branding   properties under the Marriott and Hilton
        Associate Director of Catering.  Ashley   program  and  centralized  ZaZa’s   flags across the DFW Metroplex with
        was promoted to Associate Director of   departmental needs for promotional,   Magnolia Lodging. Lisa then ventured
        Sales for the pre-opening and opening   e-marketing,  social  media  and      abroad to Peru where she ran a bed and
        of  Hotel  ZaZa  Memorial  City  where  she   internally-branded collateral. Travis also   breakfast.  Upon her return to the States,
        shattered her booking goals.  Ashley   oversees website design and content    she  joined  ZaZa  in  2010  as  Complex
        now leads the joint sales and catering   management, as well as the hotel’s   Reservations Manager. Lisa ascended to
        efforts  of  both  Houston  ZaZas.  She  is  a   e-marketing platform. Travis has a   Director of Revenue where she was a key
        graduate of Texas Christian University   bachelor’s degree in Communications   cog in the successful openings of both
        where she earned a bachelor’s degree in   Design from Texas State University and   the Memorial City and Austin properties.
              Communication Studies.           has been working within the creative   She continues to push all ZaZa’s in
                                               field  since  2004  focusing  on  graphic   leading contribution as well
                                                design, brand building and marketing.      overall RevPAR performance.

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