Page 81 - High Knob Master Plan
P. 81
The High Knob Regional Initiative (HKRI) master plan serves as a vision and toolkit to guide future development in the High Knob region. In addition to serving as a tool to direct the HKRI Management Team, the Master Plan should be added to regulatory checklists in all the cooperating municipalities to ensure plans incorporate the recommendations in this document and help achieve the goals laid out within its chapters.
Formulating and growing for over a decade, the work of the High Knob Enhancement Corporation and the Management Team has been an astounding citizen-driven volunteer effort. The work of this master plan crystallizes the future vision of the working committees. Acknowledging the heroic efforts of volunteers over decades, the recommended work efforts described for the future are more than what can be accomplished by these extraordinary volunteers. To achieve progress with the desired expediency, an organized and funded structure must be put in place.
Introduced in Chapter 8, an entity can be established with the purpose of fulfilling the vision of this master plan. This entity is proposed to be a non-profit corporation, and work strategically with the many State and local organizations already at work in the High Knob region. The structure of the current action teams can serve as the beginning structure within the Entity. The Entity may carefully consider membership of a governing board, with expert members to maximize regional penetration, fundraising, volunteer recruitment, government relations, and other issues that may face a non-profit interested in land stewardship.