Page 83 - High Knob Master Plan
P. 83
The High Knob Regional Initiative (HKRI) partnering method provides a win-win program for stimulating appropriate projects while initiating a pool of outdoor recreation businesses. Using the HKRI method, the High Knob Entity would facilitate and, in some cases, provide economic incentives, liaise to prioritize corresponding off- site capital improvements, provide planning and design consultation, and coordinate the project with regional and local stakeholders. In return, a developer would design and build the project in compliance with the Guiding Principles (Chapter 3) and in compliance with local comprehensive plan, zoning and the HKRI Master Plan. By joining the SRS Fund, the developer voluntarily provides an annual revenue contribution to the non-profit High Knob Entity.
Fundraising activities could include accepting contributions, grant- writing and grant management from public and private foundations, and special fundraising events.
The money raised by the Entity could be directed to operating costs of the Entity, as well other designated capital projects or programs.
Several State and Federal programs, as well as private foundation programs, provide funding to support planning and implementation of projects that promote the development of the types of initiatives described in Chapter 8. As discussed in Chapter 9, funding is available for a variety of activities, including planning, technical assistance, research, and capital infrastructure investments. Acting as a recipient, the Entity can strategically raise and leverage funds from multiple programs in an effective way that maximizes local resources and secures regional investment.
Chapter 9 provides a list of potential funding sources for implementing the HKRI Master Plan. In addition, the matrix provides general information regarding financing tools, tax credits, loans, grants, and other incentives to foster economic development.
Volunteer Group Coordination
Because of its boots-on-the-ground orientation, the Entity will be the wing of the organization that is best positioned to manage the described “volunteer corps in action”, such as the trail-maintenance brigade (Trailboogers) and clean-up corps (Earthboogers).
Public Engagement
In addition, the Entity is the group most likely to be involved in continuing public engagement activities during implementation. While the High Knob Entity is a leader in implementing the Master Plan and undertaking activities, it is important that the Entity be “grassroots” in nature with engaged private sector members (businesses, property owners, investors, and private citizens). There are several successful Foundation models throughout Virginia and other states (like Piedmont Environmental Council or Pennsylvania Wild); however, ultimately the structure needs to be what is “right” for The High Knob region. A well-defined, targeted strategy for public collaboration and continued financial stability is required to yield the desired outcomes set forth in this Master Plan. This strategy should include:
Assembling an informal group of business and property owners to assist the Entity with the implementation of this Master Plan. This could begin with representatives of the management team, as well as other key stakeholders.
Targeting additional volunteers with a desire to continue work of the Entity, expanding the group of stakeholders and building its “human capital.”
Creating strategic goals of the volunteer stakeholder committee. This should be narrow in scope, focusing on fund-raising and promotion.
The successful implementation of the HKRI Master Plan will depend on the Entity’s ability to leverage existing resources effectively. A strategic plan and a business plan are two very early next steps.
The HKRI Entity should seek for ways to align initiatives identified in the HKRI Master Plan with ongoing and upcoming local planning and budgeting efforts. Several current initiatives have been identified (see following section Initiatives in Progress).
The HKRI Master Plan is broad, yet strategic, in vision and scope; its implementation will be dependent on the collective efforts not only of the Entity, but also its partner organizations, as well the private sector. The next task of this Management Team will be to share the Master Plan vision, goals and recommendations with partner agencies (e.g., regional municipalities, Chambers of Commerce, etc.). Partner discussions should include sharing the vision for the Entity and soliciting participation.
The matrix at the end of this chapter beginning on the next page serves as a tool for the High Knob Region in prioritizing and implementing future projects and capital improvements. It provides a summary of recommendations and initiatives designed to achieve the planning goals and principles identified in the plan, which were developed with substantial public input.