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                                                             RISK FACTOR GROUP A           RISK FACTOR GROUP C                       RISK FACTOR GROUP B

                    NORMAL WELL BABY FOR         1Working mother                           1 birth trauma ( anoxia , convulsions)    1 low birth weight LBW <2.5 kg but
                             ROTTEN VISIT        2 Poor family                             2 handicapped child (mental/              gestational age is >37 week
                                                 3 death of either of the parent or        physical )
     Normal baby (well baby or low-risk)         divorce                                   3 bronchial asthma                        2 premature child <37 weeks
• Born at term                                   4 bottle feeding ( absence of breast      4 congenital heart disease OR other       irrespective of weight
• Weight appropriate for gestational age and     feeding)                                  congenital defects.
not wasted                                       5 mental OR psychiatric disease in        5 juvenile DM                             3 weight equal or below 5% of
• The history of the pregnancy, labor, delivery  either of the parent                      6 diseases of CNS & other like            expected weight for his age
and the post delivery period are normal.                                                   cerebral palsy & mongolism
• The vital signs are normal and the infant       6 twins                                  7 red flag of eyes                        4 weight equal or above 95% of
appears normal on examination.                   7 close spacing ( less than 2 years       8 red flag of ears                        expected weight for his age
                                                 )                                         9 developmental red flag
                      HISTORY OF DELIVERY         8 early weaning ( before completion      10 hereditary blood disease like sickle   5 failure to thrive ( no increase in
                                                 of 6 months )                             cell disease , thalassemia& others        weight for last three successive visits) ,
• Low Apgar score at the fifth minute.           9 precious baby (along awaited            11 hypothyroidism                         even if his health condition is good
•Longer hospital stay after C.S or               pregnancy after a period of infertility)  12 renal disorders
complications due to NICU stay.                  10 a child not vaccinated                 13 child abuse                             6 If the growth curve (weight ) is
•Infants who are born to mothers with a          11 large family (more than 7              14 leukemia                               going down for last 2 successive visits).
complicated pregnancy, labour or delivery        individuals )                             15 multifactor (if is more than one risk  Even if his health condition is good
                                                 12 multifactor ( if there is more than    factor)
                                                 one risk factor )                                                                   7 those children who do not have 1/2
                                                                                                                                     kg increase per month for the first 3
                                                                                                                                     months of age & 1/4 kg increase in
                                                                                                                                     weight per month for the 2nd 3months

                                                                                                                                     8 multifactor ( if there is more than one
                                                                                                                                     risk factor.

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