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Priority Strategic Objective Initiatives Targets KPIs Impact
Training &
Medical - Assessment of Possible Training Acquisition of the -Increase the No. of recognized training - Quality of care.
Education Centers. required knowledge & recognized - Excellence.
-Available Annual Conference. skills to provide high centers. - Standards Set.
Leadership -Distance Learning Program. standard of care training centers.
Training - Health annual - A viability of Annual
Available basic training courses in Conference.
Ptn. & Media qualified centers or hospitals . conference .
Education )Yes or No)
- Available health education&
Logistic discharge instructions. Re- establish a Availability of basic & Average Availability of - Excellence.
Support - Departmental Web Site
( Certain account) on Web site & comprehensive advanced leadership basic & advanced leadership - Improve
Support other social media .
Programs - Assessment of Ptn. Satisfaction. leadership development Training . Training . communication
Integrated Logistic Support . strategy
- Media serves as tools - Available health - Average available health - Improve
Co-operation with other for customer services . education . education.
departments . - Responding quickly to - Assessment of Ptn. -Average assessment of communication &
complaints . Satisfaction . Ptn. Satisfaction .
connection .
-Teamwork .
ILS ensures cooperation Complete support - Average available needs . Improve quality .
among partners. &cooperation integrated
Health coach program open open
Ils : Quality& Safety Administration , infrastructure ,security ,stores ,supplies , human resources. 18