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Police Station, Mississippi
Complete structural design and detailing for a 16,000 square feet two story Police station. The building is masonry
framed with a brick veneer and bar joist framing for the roof.
Dart Container Facility, Lithonia, Georgia
Complete structural design and detailing for a 347,000 square feet two story manufacturing building. Steel- framed,
with one half of the building as a one story and the other being a two story. The single and double story is separated
by a 28ft high retaining wall. The building was designed and built at a 0.5% slope due to extreme grade slope.
Community Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
Complete structural design and detailing for a 15,700 square feet masonry framed recreational building.
REM Consultants, PLLC
P.O. Box 2696
Madison, MS 39130
(517) 775-1678