Page 80 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
P. 80

C R E D E N T I A L S                                      A B O U T   T H E   F I R M

                                              Truckla Services is a Mississippi - based DBE firm that offers a variety
      Top Secret Governental Clearance
      DCAA Audited Accounting System           of  services including but limited  to construction, logistics, paper
      DBE Certified (MS,LA)                   products, information technology, and a host of other services. Truckla
      HUBZone Certifed                        Services has successfully procured  fulfilled  many multi-million dollar
      State Board of Contractors (MS,LA)      projects across the United States.

        C L I E N T S   S E R V E D
                                                                C A P A B I L I T E S
      Bechtel Inc.
      Federal Emergency Management                  Building & Heavy Construction
      Agency (FEMA)                                 Asbestos Removal

      Engineer Research and                         Erosion Control
      Development Center (ERDC)                     Clearing and Grubbing
      National Park Service (NPS)                   Drainage Structures
      Fort Leonard Wood Army Base                   Foundation Systems
      Lockheed Martin Inc.                          Program Support and Integrated Logistics
      US Army Logistics Agency (ULA)                Warehouse Management and Inventory Control
                                                    Vehicle Control and Services Management
                                                    Dispatch Services
        C O N T A C T                               Customer Support Services

   Contact Name: Rexal Heidelburg                   Facilities Management
                                                    Information Technology
   Mailing Address: 1411 Cherry Street
                                                    System Engineering and Integration
   Suite 102, Vicksburg, MS 39180                   Software Engineering

   Phone:  601.619.9300                             Paper Supplies and Other Office Products

   Fax: 601.619.9301


                               Bonding Capacity $10,000,000
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85