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P. 130

                                         法國著名設計師GEORGE HOENTSCHEL (1855-1915)舊藏

                      Georges  Hoentschel  (1855-1915)  was  an                Georges Hoentschel (1855-1915)是法國重要
                      important French architect, decorator, ceramist          的建築師、裝飾傢、陶藝家,同時也是
                      and  a  fervent  collector  with  an  eclectic  taste.   一位涉獵廣泛的收藏家。他擅長十八世
                      He was specialized in the 18th century style and
                      decorated  many  sumptuous  places  including  the       紀的裝飾藝術風格,富麗堂皇的Jacques
                      mansion  of  the  couturier  Jacques  Doucet  and        Doucet府邸和坐落於巴黎近郊的Pavillon
                      the  Pavillon  des  Muses  in  Neuilly  for  the  poet   des  Muses宮均出自其手筆,他也曾為希
                      Robert de Montesquiou. He also worked for Julius         臘國王Julius  Wernher和日本天皇工作。
                      Wernher,  the  king  of  Greece  and  the  Emperor
                      of  Japan.  During  his  life,  he  developed  close     Georges生前曾與Marcel  Proust,  Auguste
                      friendship  with  important  artists  such  as  Marcel   Renoir,  Edgar  Degas,  Auguste  Rodin,
                      Proust,  Auguste  Renoir,  Edgar  Degas,  Auguste   Georges Hoentschel. ©DR  Giovanni  Boldini等一批炙手可熱的藝術
                      Rodin  or  Giovanni  Boldini.  In  1903,  Georges        家結下了深厚的友誼。  1903年Hoentschel
                      Hoentschel and his family moved to 58, Boulevard         一家搬到了Boulevard     Flandrin街58號的
                      Flandrin  and  skillfully  transformed  the  mansion
                      into a large exhibition space in which his personal      寓所,並將其巧妙地改造成為私人藏品
                      art  collection  was  beautifully  displayed  including   展廳,根據André      Portier在1923年的記
                      our  current  pair  of  cloisonné  enamel  plaques       載,我們此次拍賣的這對掐絲琺瑯掛屏
                      which  were  hung  in  the  staircase  according  to     就懸掛在樓梯處。時至今日,Georges
                      the  inventory  document  made  by  André  Portier
                      in  1923.  Today,  the  majority  of  his  personal  art  Hoentschel的大多數藏品都已歸於公立博
                      collection  are  in  public  organizations  including    物館,值得一提的是,他當年售予美國
                      the dominant collection of the medieval art of the       金融巨頭J.Pierpont  Morgan  (1837-1913)的
                      Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York, which            一批藏品,如今已成為紐約大都會博物
                      he had once sold to his friend J. Pierpont Morgan        館中世紀藝術的點睛之筆。
                      (1837-1913), the powerful American financier and
                      former president of the museum.
                                                        fig.1. © DR

                      PAIRE DE PANNEAUX MURAUX EN                              PROVENANCE:
                      EMAUX CLOISONNES                                         Apraised by André Portier, 26 November 1923.
                      CHINE, DYNASTIE QING, EPOQUE                             French private collection.
                      QIANLONG (1736-1795)
                      De forme rectangulaire, le premier est à décor de        Nicole Hoentschel, Georges Hoentschel (1855-
                      deux  papillons  multicolores  dansant  au-dessus        1915), Editions d'art Monelle Hayot, 2000, P.135
                      des branchages de pivoines épanouies de couleur          (fig.1.).
                      rose  pâle.  Le  second  est  délicatement  orné  d'un
                      martin-pêcheur  volant  au  dessus  d'un  étang,
                      entouré  par  des  fleurs  de  lotus  enveloppées  par
                      des  feuilles  ondulées.  Les  deux  panneaux  sont
                      encadrés  par  une  frise  de  fleurs  stylisées  sur  un
                      fond turquoise rehaussé de motifs  géometriques
                      dessinés en bronze doré.
                      Dimensions de chaque panneau:
                      circa 75,5 x 31,5 cm. (29æ x 12¡ in.)   (2)
                      €15,000-20,000     US$18,000-23,000
                      A PAIR OF COISONNE ENAMEL ‘FLOWERS’
                      HANGING WALL PANELS
                      清乾隆 掐絲琺琅花卉紋挂屏 一對
                      法國著名設計師George Hoentschel (1855-
                      1915)舊藏, 于1923年經法國東方古董鑒定家
                      André Portier先生鑒定

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