Page 137 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 137


         AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE AND                         東漢   白玉乳丁螭虎瑞獸紋出廓璧
         LARGE WHITE JADE ‘TIGER’ DISC, BI                 來源
         EASTERN HAN DYNASTY (AD 25-220)                   金華堂舊藏,台北,入藏於 1999 年以前
         The circular disc is carved on both sides around the central   養德堂珍藏
         aperture with a field of raised nodes within inner and outer raised
         borders. It is surmounted to the top with a well-carved chi tiger   展覽
         flanked to its sides with two mythical beasts. The stone is of a   國立故宮博物院,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999 年,
         milky white tone with some minor opaque inclusions.  圖版 199 號
         9√ in. (25 cm.) high, box
         HK$1,500,000-2,500,000        US$190,000-320,000  鄧淑蘋,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999 年,圖版 199 號,
                                                           頁 286-287
         The Chinhuatang Collection, Taipei, acquired prior to 1999  出廓璧結合玉璧與玉珮的設計,甚至有出廓璧的出廓位置鏤雕
         The Yangdetang Collection                         吉祥文字。因而有學者認為出廓璧可能被當作護身用途或在某

         EXHIBITED                                         些特殊場合中使用。可參考一件藏於河北博物館的西漢玉透雕
         National Palace Museum, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese   雙龍穀紋出廓璧,其刊於盧兆蔭編,《中國玉器全集》,第 4 冊,
         Jades, Taipei, 1999, Catalogue, pl. 199           1993 年,圖版編號 88,頁 68。此璧高 25.9 公分,出廓位置雕
                                                           有兩條背對背的龍紋,原為 1968 年在河北省滿城縣陵山一號墓
         Teng Shu-p’ing, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades,   出土。博物館還另藏一件東漢玉透雕蟠螭出廓璧,其原於 1959
         Taipei, 1999, pl. 199, pp. 286-287                年在河北省定縣北莊漢墓出土,亦載於同上,圖版編號 242,頁
         The present disc shows an intricate combined design of bi
         and pendant. Similar discs are known with pierced auspicious
         messages incorporated as part of the design, thus it is likely
         that these discs functioned as talismans or played symbolic
         roles during special occasions. Compare to an earlier Western-
         Han jade disc of similar design with addorsed dragons (25.9
         cm.) discovered from the tomb of Prince Liu Sheng in Hebei
         province, illustrated in Zhongguo yuqi quanji, vol. 4, 1993, pl.
         88, p. 68; and a Easter-Han example surmounted by openwork
         interlocking chi dragons, illustrated ibid., pl. 242, p. 174.

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