Page 37 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 37

(another view 另一面)                  The current lot on view at the Chang Foundation Museum, 1993
                                                                     是件拍品 1993 年在鴻禧美術館展覽時的情況

         A VERY RARE CELADON JADE                          紅山文化   約公元前4000-3000年   青玉帶齒獸面紋飾
         TOOTHED ANIMAL MASK                               來源
         ORNAMENT                                          1999年以前購自台北一言堂
         HONGSHAN CULTURE, CIRCA 4000-3000 BC
         The well-polished stone is carved and pierced in the form of an   鴻禧美術館,《養德堂古玉特展》,台北,1993年1月27日至
         animal mask. It is decorated with arched brows, circular eyes,   4月25日
         and horns. The details of the face are carefully rendered with
         thick concave troughs and the bottom of the jade is carved with   著錄
         segmented sections representing the teeth of the animal.  震旦藝術博物館,《紅山玉器》,台北,2007年,圖版111號,
         4æ in. (12 cm.) wide, box                         頁167
         HK$150,000-200,000              US$20,000-26,000
         Acquired from E Yuan Tang Chinese Art, Taipei, prior to 1999
         Chang Foundation Museum, Ancient Jade from the Yangde Tang
         Collection, Taipei, 27 January-24 April 1993
         Aurora Art Museum, Jades of Hongshan Culture, 2007, Taipei, pl.
         111, p. 167

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