Page 77 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 77

fig. 1  Collection of the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese
                                                Academy of Social Sciences
                                              圖一  中國社會科學院考古研究所藏品

         2737 Continued
         Early jade animal carvings tend to exaggerate the body parts   古人刻飾動物題材的玉珮,常會誇大該動物身體最具特色的部
         which are most distiactive to that particular animal. Thus,   份,而鹿的最大特點則在鹿頭上方一雙美麗的鹿角。現今博物
         in the present lot, the antlers are deliberately exaggerated
         and stylised, imparting a high degree of expressiveness and   館有數件類似例。紐約大都會藝術博物館館藏的一件玉鹿,其
         a sense of austere beauty. A few similar examples exist in   鹿角誇大的雕刻方法則與是件拍品最為相似。另外大英博物館
         museum collections. Compare to a slightly shorter Western   所藏的一對西周玉鹿,其玉件表面的立雕處理則較平扁,鹿角
         Zhou jade deer, with a similar carving style of antler, now in   尺寸亦相對較小。見 Jessica Rawson,《Chinese Jades- from the
         the Metropolitan Museum to Art (accession number 24.51.11).   Neolithic to the Qing》,倫敦,1995 年,圖版編號 12:39,頁
         Compare also to another flatter pair of Western Zhou stag-
         form pendants in the British Museum, illustrated in Jessica   231。而在中國社會科學院考古研究所亦藏有一件西周早期的鹿
         Rawson, Chinese Jades- from the Neolithic to the Qing, London,   形玉珮(圖一),其原於山東省滕州市前掌大 3 號墓出土。
         1995, pl. 12:39, p. 231. Also, in the Institute of Archaeology,
         Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, there is a (fig. 1)
         excavated from tomb no. 3 in Tengzhou county, Shandong
         province, published in The Complete Collection of Jades
         Unearthed in China-Shandon, vol. 4, Beijing, 2005, p.176

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