Page 23 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Fine Chinese Works of Art
P. 23

Lot 2964                  Lot 2970                  Lot 2926              Lot 2912
                      拍品2964號                   拍品2970號                   拍品2926號               拍品2912號
          Sir Michael was especially interested in collecting inscribed porcelains   In addition to several pieces bearing decoration in the famous, and
          – both those withinscriptions which provided specific dates, or those   much published, ‘Master of the Rocks’ style, known in Chinese as pima
          derived from literature. One example of the former type in the current   cun shanshui (lot 2964), the current sale also includes a magnificent
          sale is the beautifully-painted small censer (lot 2953), which depicts   large Kangxi vase decorated in underglaze copper red (lot 2970),
          the Eight Daoist Immortals and is inscribed with a date: Kangxi bingzi   which has the highly auspicious decoration of nine dragons. Eight of
          nian Wang Yiren zhi, which may be translated as ‘Commissioned by   these sinuous dragons appear in pairs confronting each other on the
          Wang Yiren in the bingzi year of Kangxi [1696]’. This censer has been   sides of the vase, while a ninth dragon is depicted on the neck in pursuit
          in several exhibitions, including as exhibit no. 111 in the ground-  of a flaming pearl. It is said that nine dragons guard the Gate of Heaven
          breaking exhibition  Seventeenth Century Jingdezhen Porcelain from the   and symbolize the yang. At first sight, this vase appears to have been
          Shanghai Museum and the Butler Collection – Beauty’s Enchantment, which   decorated solely in well-applied underglaze copper red, but, typically
          was the brain-child of Sir Michael and the eminent Chinese scholar   for the Kangxi reign, the eyes of the dragons are depicted in underglaze
          and vice-director of the Shanghai Museum, the late Wang Qingzheng   cobalt blue.
                                                              In complete contrast, this sale also includes interesting groups late
          A classic example of a literary inscription on porcelain from the Kangxi   Ming dynasty of blue and white porcelains, known as  ko-sometsuke
          reign (1662-1722) can be seen on the square-section vase in the current   (for example lot 2926), and also those decorated in overglaze enamels,
          sale (lot 2968). The sides of this vase are decorated with scenes from,   known as ko-akae (for example lot 2912), which were made specifically
          and the text of the famous poem  Ode to the Red Cliff  by the Song   for Japanese tea connoisseurs, who held them in the highest esteem.
          dynasty literatus Su Shi (1037–1101, also known as Su Dongpo). The   These porcelains have recently come to greater prominence since they
          poem describes a trip that Su Shi made with some friends in 1082 to   were the focus of an exhibition entitled Trade Taste & Transformation
          visit the Red Cliff, which had been the location for an epic naval battle   – Jingdezhen Porcelain for Japan, 1620-1645, held at the China Institute,
          at the end of the Han dynasty in the winter of AD 208.   New York in 2006, to which Sir Michael Butler loaned a number
                                                              of pieces.

          巴特勒爵士偏愛蒐集帶款識的瓷器,具年代款和題經典詩文                          精選藏品中也有一些繪披麻皴山水圖(拍品2964號)的例子,
          者均屬此列。證諸本季精選藏品,前者有畫工一流的小巧五                          這一表現手法源遠流長且論述頗豐;除此之外,拍品中的康
          彩八仙圖香爐(拍品2953號),其器身署紀年款「康熙丙子年[                      熙釉裏紅九龍紋大尊(拍品2970號)  亦恢宏大氣,其九龍題材
          即公元1696年]汪以仁置」。這一香爐曾多次展出,包括重量                       禎祥之至。器身九龍虯曲盤旋,其中八者為左右相向的雙龍,
          級展覽《上海博物館與英國巴特勒家族所藏十七世紀景德                           器頸一龍作戲珠狀。相傳看守天門的正是九龍,而龍本身象
          鎮瓷器》(展品編號111),該活動凝聚了巴特勒爵士與已故著                       徵陽氣。乍眼看來,此尊似乎通體僅繪釉裏紅紋飾,惟細察
          名學者暨上海博物館副館長汪慶正(1931至2005年)的心血                      之下,便會發現龍的雙目是用釉下鈷藍點畫而成,具鮮明的
          和努力。                                                康熙時代特徵。

          本季呈獻的康熙  (公元1662至1722年)  青花「赤壁賦」方瓶                  相較之下,是次秋拍尚有一組大異其趣的明末青花瓷  (即日
          (拍品2968號),正是題有詩文的經典之作。此瓶外壁飾以宋                       本「古染付」,如拍品2926號),以及若干釉上琺瑯彩作品(即
          代文人蘇軾(又名蘇東坡,公元1037至1101年)的名篇《赤壁                     「古赤繪」,如拍品2912號),其燒造對象是奉之為圭臬的日
          賦》全文及相關的場景。賦中描述的是蘇軾於1082年與友                         本茶人。2006年,紐約華美協進社曾舉行《Trade  Taste  &
          人同遊赤壁之經過,公元208年冬,漢代大規模水上戰役「                         Transformation  –  Jingdezhen  Porcelain  for  Japan,
          赤壁之戰」便是在此上演。                                        1620-1645》,其重點推介的便是這類瓷器,巴特勒爵士外

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