Page 86 - The Ian and Susan Wilson Collection Schilar's Objects, Christie's, March 2016
P. 86
1172 清 金農(傳) 菖蒲 設色紙本 立軸
JIN NONG (ATTRIBUTED TO, 1687-1763) 題識:四月十四菖蒲生日也。余屑元人林松泉代郡鹿
Basin with Acorus Grass 膠墨一螺,乃爲寫真,并作難老之歌稱其壽雲:蒲乙
Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper 翻階正垂乳。寫真特爲祝長生,一醆清泉當清醑。行
29 ¿ x 12 ¡ in. (74.1 x 31.6 cm.) 年七十老未娶,南山之下石家女,與郎倫合好眉嫵。
Inscribed and signed by the artist, with two seals 曲江外史金農。
Further inscribed, with two seals of the artist 鈐印:古泉、冬心先生
One collector’s seal 又題:越夕又成一詩,爲蒲郎解嘲。此生不愛結新
$4,000-6,000 兒孫。壽門鐙下書。
LITERATURE 鑑藏印:休陽窪承諴某亭氏鑑藏
S. Little, Spirit Stones of China, the Ian and Susan
Wilson Collection of Chinese Stones, Paintings, and
Related Scholars’ Objects, Chicago, 1999, no. 42.
A CARVED BOXWOOD FINGER CITRON-FORM Rootwood handling object: by repute,
HANDLING OBJECT David Kidd (1926-1996) Collection, Japan.
清十九世紀 黃楊木雕佛手把件
The handling object is carved in imitation of a
fnger citron (or ‘Buddha’s fngers’), with the many
‘fngers’ curled inwards. Together with another
carved boxwood fnger citron-form handling
object, 18th century, similarly carved, but with
a small segment of the branch at the top; and a
rootwood handling object, 18th century, the root
curled around a small stone.
4Ω, 2√ and 3¿ in. (11.4, 7.3 and 7.9 cm.) long (3)