Page 28 - Bonhams GANBEI A Toast To Wine Culture, Hong Kong Nov 30 2022
P. 28
Known in Chinese as yushang, cups of this type were used for drinking 杯成對開橢圓蛋形,兩側有耳,略微上翹,平底,通體髹黑漆,耳
wine, as well as for holding small edibles (‘xiaochi’) presented at 緣、耳身及口沿下一周皆繪朱漆變體鳥紋,鳥紋之間空隙繪雲穀紋,
banquets. Ear cups were mentioned in bamboo and silk excavated 杯心繪朱漆交身龍紋一對,一側耳背部針刻「俎是」二字,其下似有
from the Mawangdui Han tomb as specifically for wine, xing jiou bei, in 三字烙印款識,惜不復可辨。
Changsha Mawangdui yihao Hanmu, Beijing, 1973, bamboo 185-192;
the lacquer ear cups excavated from the same tomb were inscribed 耳杯又稱羽觴杯,因兩側雙耳展翅如雙羽故,此為後世民間講法,戰
with Jun xing jiou, illustrated in Zhongguo qiqi quanji (Lacquer 國至漢代並無此稱。馬王堆漢墓遣冊記載的稱呼為「幸酒杯」,見
Treasures from China), Fuzhou, 1998, vol.3, no.82; and the ones made 《長沙馬王堆一號漢墓》,北京,1973年,簡185-192;墓中亦出土
for holding food were inscribed with jun xing shi, see ibid., vol.3, no.83. 耳杯杯心漆書「君幸酒」三字,見《中國漆器全集》,福州,1998
Such cups were also made in various materials during the Warring 年,卷3,編號82。耳杯既可作為酒器,亦可作為食器,盛用肉羹,
States period to the Western Han dynasty, such as in bronze and jade. 馬王堆漢墓出土耳杯繪有「君幸食」三字,見前書,編號83。漢代酒
The stylised bird patterns on the present cup are significant during 故耳杯淺者為食器,深者為酒器。戰國至西漢耳杯材質多樣,青銅,
the Warring States period to early Western Han dynasty; compare 玉,漆器皆有製作,而漆耳杯較多,青銅耳杯則可架於染爐加熱。
with the handles of a Qin dynasty lacquer ear cup excavated in Hubei
Yunmeng, see ibid., vol.2, no.147. The combination of needle incised 此杯所飾變體鳥紋流行於戰國至西漢早期,可比較湖北雲夢出土一件
and engraved mark is also a distinct characteristic of the period; 秦代鳥雲紋漆耳杯,其耳部所繪紋飾與本件相似,見前書,卷2,編
see an ear cup decorated with stylised cloud patterns excavated in 號147。針刻加烙印文字款識的做法亦見於這段時期,雲夢同墓出土
the same site with needle incised inscription and an engraved word 一件卷雲紋耳杯便有烙印一「亭」字及針刻銘文,見前書,編號
ting, ibid., no.148. For an example with similarly decorated interior 148。 杯心所飾交身龍紋則可參考一件雲夢西漢早期墓出土之雲氣對
of a pair of dragons flying amidst clouds, see an early Western Han 鳥紋漆盒盒身所飾雲氣紋與本件龍身設計頗似,見前書,卷3,編號
dynasty lacquer box excavated also in the Yunmeng site, ibid., vol.3, 1。另可參考一件長度相若的西漢彩繪變形鳥紋耳杯,1986年出土於
no.1; compare also with a Western Han ear cup of similar size as the 江陵毛家園1號墓,現藏於湖北省博物館, 見《楚秦漢漆器藝術》,
present lot, painted with stylised bird patterns, illustrated in Chu-Qin- 湖北,1996年, 頁229,圖185。
Han Lacquerware Art, Hubei, 1996, p.229, no.185.