Page 22 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 22


    A RARE LARGE SANCAI-GLAZED ‘GOOSE’                                        唐 三彩鴻雁荷葉紋三足盤
    TANG DYNASTY (618-907)                                                    匯寶閣古美術,香港,1987年5月6日

    The shallow, circular dish is finely potted resting on three short,       此盤中心刻劃鴻雁展翅飛翔於三朵白雲間,旁飾荷葉及浪花,生動
    pad feet, crisply incised and decorated on the flat interior with a       活潑,釉色流淌自然,明艷多彩,應是仿照金銀器形制而造。同類
    central roundel of a goose in flight encircled by radiating lotus leaves  例子分佈於各大重要博物館,包括一件藏東京國立博物館,著錄於
    and foliate tendrils, picked out in blue, amber and green glazes,         1965年東京出版《東京国立博物館図版目錄- 中国古陶磁篇》,圖版
    the cavetto is resist-decorated in cream against an amber and green       100號;一件藏日本出光美術館,著錄於1987年東京出版《出光美術
    ground which extends to the exterior and feet, stopping irregularly       館藏品図錄- 中国陶磁》,圖版33號;一件為Dr. Gustaf Lindberg珍
    around the base revealing the buff body.                                  藏,1954年展出於威尼斯中國藝術品展覽,圖錄圖版326號;一件藏
    11 º in. (28.6 cm.) diam., box                                            國維多利亞阿伯特博物館,載於Margaret Medley著1981年倫敦出版
                                                                              《T’ang Pottery & Porcelain》,圖版32號。
    PROVENANCE                                                                The Empress Place Museum(亞洲文明博物館前身)展覽,見展覽
    Acquired from Wui Po Kok Antique Co., Hong Kong, 6 May 1987               圖錄《The Silk Road, Treasures of Tang China》,97頁。

    A number of sancai dishes of the same design, decorated with geese        亦見其他飾飛雁紋的三彩盤類型,顏色配搭略有不同,有的折沿,
    against a resist-decorated ground can be found in major museum            有的圓口,如紐約大都會博物館藏一件白地三彩鴻雁蓮葉紋盤,
    collections, including one in the Tokyo National Museum                   著錄於S. Valenstein著1982年紐約出版《A Handbook of Chinese
    Collection, illustrated in Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National       Ceramics》,圖版57號。
    Museum- Chinese Ceramics, Tokyo, 1965, pl. 100; another in the
    Idemitsu Collection, illustrated in Chinese Ceramics in the Idemitsu
    Collection, Tokyo, 1987, no. 33; one from the collection of Dr.
    Gustaf Lindberg, exhibted in Venice in 1954 Exhibition of Chinese
    Art, catalogue no. 326; one from the Royal Ontario Museum
    (acquisition no. ROM_2005_3840_1); one from the Victoria and
    Albert Museum, illustrated by Margaret Medley, T’ang Pottery
    & Porcelain, London, 1981, pl. 32. On p. 41 of T’ang Pottery &
    Porcelain, Medley notes that ‘It is almost certainly silver with traced
    decoration that is the source for the impressed designs on the
    offering-trays, dishes and wrist rests’.

    Compare also to a dish of the same type, exhibited in The Silk
    Road, Treasures of Tang China, The Empress Place Museum,
    Singapore, 1991, catalogue p. 97.

    A variation of this dish includes those decorated with the same
    sancai goose motif but against a plain cream ground with a
    rounded rim, such as a dish in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
    New York included by S. Valenstein, A Handbook of Chinese
    Ceramics, New York, 1989 (2nd ed.), p. 65, pl. 57; and one in the
    Freer Gallery of Art, illustrated by Medley, op. cit., pl. 31.

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