Page 209 - Cambi Milan Asian Art January 22, 2020
P. 209
ABSENTEE BID FORM Auction 444 - 22 January 2020
I the undersigned _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
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LOT DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM BID PH Important notice to buyers
c Lots will be knocked down for the lowest possi-
c ble price with respect to the previous bid. In the
event of identical bids, the earliest bid received will
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c be added to the final bid price up to and including
€ 400.000, 21% of the excess of the hammer price
c above € 400.000.
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c It is possible to ask for telephone bidding by ti-
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c The state of conservation of the lots is not com-
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Signature ______________________________________________________ I’d like to raise my written bid for a maximum of: 5% c 10% c 20% c
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Conditions of Sale.
Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________
Via San Marco 22 Milano - Tel. +39 02 36590462 - Fax +39 02 87240060 -
Finito di stampare nel mese di Dicembre 2019 da Grafiche G7 - Genova - Grafica: L’Agorà - Genova - Fotografie: Marco Bernasconi - Matteo Zarbo