Page 497 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
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Inde X  321

                                                                    Petuntse, i. 148 ; ii. 91, 123, 248                           Preussler, ii. 260
                                                                    Pheasant, ii, 295, 297                                        Pricket candlesticks, ii. 60
                                                                                                                                  Prints, copying effect of European, ii. 214
                                                                    Philippines, i. 87, 189                                       Prunus design, ii. 134, 135, 152
                                                                                                                                  P'u sbu Cing chi, ii. 23
                                                                    PhiUips, Rev. H. S., i. 132                                   Puzzle jug, ii. 251

                                                                    Phoenix, i. 90 ; ii. 39, 269, 288, 293                        Quails, ii. 295
                                                                    Phoenix ewer, i. 149
                                                                                                                                  Radiating lines under base, ii. 92
                                                                    Phoenix Hill, i. 59, 61, 72, 134                              Ram, ii, 294
                                                                                                                                  Rams design, three, ii. 43
                                                                    Pt chuang so yu, i. 72                                        Raphael Collection, i. 63
                                                                                                                                  " Rat and vine " pattern, ii. 231, 245, 303
                                                                    P'i hsieh, ii. 294                                            Read, Sir C. Hercules, i. xxv, 31
                                                                                                                                  Rebus designs, ii. 299, 300
                                                                    P'i-ling, i. 91, 95                                           Red and gold decoration, ii. 6
                                                                                                                                  Red and green family, i. 104
                                                                    Pi liu Ii, i. 144                                             Red biscuit, ii. 9
                                                                                                                                  Red, copper, ii. 6, 11, 55
                                                                    Pi si (secret colour), i. 38, 39, 40, 54                      Red, coral, ii. 6, 48, 51, 160, 238

                                                                    Pi ting ju i, ii. 301                                         Red family of Wan Li porcelain, ii, 81

                                                                    Pi Cung, ii, 275                                              Red, flambe, ii. 124
                                                                                                                                  Red in the glaze, ii. 204
                                                                    P'iao tz'u, i. 16, 143                                        Red, iron, ii. 51, 55, 165, 179, 215, 235,

                                                                    Pictures of manufacture of porcelain, ii.                            244
                                                                                                                                  Red, jujube, ii. 210, 219, 238
                                                                    248                                                           Red, liver, ii. 99, 178, 194, 238
                                                                                                                                  Red, maroon, ii. 178, 179, 194
                                                                    P'ieh, i. 165 ; ii. 5        ii. 59, 75, 76, 79,              Red, crushed strawberry, ii. 119, 125
                                                                    Pierced design, i. 194 ;                                      Red, ox-blood, ii. 124
                                                                                                                                  Red, ritual significance of, ii. 195
                                                                           196, 246                                               Red, rubv, ii. 221, 224
                                                                                                                                  Red, souffle, u. 127, 193, 194, 218, 219,
                                                                    Pigments, unfired, i. 3
                                                                                                                                         224, 238
                                                                    Pilgrim bottles, ii. 274                                      Red, underglaze, ii. 10, 79, 99, 119, 145,

                                                                    Pilkington Tile Works, i. 200                                         146, 204, 205, 241
                                                                                                                                  Relief work, ii. 74, 196
                                                                    Pillows, i. 104, 105, 107 ; ii. 97, 276                       Revohing necks, ii. 246, 262
                                                                    Pine, bamboo and plum design, ii. 47                          Rhages, i. 87
                                                                                                                                  Rhinoceros jars, ii. 36
                                                                    P'ing hua p'u, i. xvi; ii. 94                                 de Ricci, M, Seymour, ii. 194
                                                                                                                                  Rice grain pattern, ii. 246, 247, 263
                                                                    P'ing shih, ii. 94                                            Richard's Geography, i. 56, 172
                                                                                                                                  Rijks Museum, Amsterdam, ii. 75
                                                                    P'ing-ting Chou, i. 97 ; ii. 107                              Ring under base, double, ii. 69
                                                                                                                                  Ritual vessels, ii. 272
                                                                    P'ing-yang Fu, i. 32, 97                                      Rock and wave design, ii. 81, 87, 290
                                                                                                                                  Rockery and flowering plants, ii. 164
                                                                    Pink, ruby, ii. 238                                           Rococo ornaments, ii, 258
                                                                                                                                  Rome, i, 5
                                                                    Pipes, ii. 278                                                Roof tiles, i. 201

                                                                    Plaques, ii. 97, 117, 277                                     Rookwood Potteries, i, 200
                                                                                                                                  Rose and ticket pattern, ii. 133
                                                                    Plates, ii. 97                                                Rose pinks, ii. 210, 229, 237
                                                                                                                                  Roth, Ling, i. 87, 193
                                                                    Plates, seven border, ii. 211                                 Rotterdam, siege of, ii. 252
                                                                                                                                  Rouge de fer, ii. 101, 160
                                                                    Plum blossom crackle, ii, 244                                 Rouleau shape, ii. 165, 269, 274
                                                                    Plum blossom design, i, 133                                   Rubbing with sand, ii. 159
                                                                                                                                  " Ruby-back" porcelain, ii. 210, 213, 243
                                                                    P'o-hai, i. 148                                               Rush pattern, i. 44
                                                                    Po shan lu, i. 12                                             Ryoben, i. 36

                                                                    Po fang blue, ii. 98

                                                                    Points of compass, ii. 41

                                                                    Polynesian khava bowls, i. 129

                                                                    Pomegranate-shaped pots, i, 198

                                                                    Pools of glass, i, 171

                                                                    Porcelain, archaic specimens of translucent,

                                                                    i. 163

                                                                    Porcelain, beginnings of, i. 15, 39, 89, 141-


                                                                    Porcelain, decorated, at Canton, ii. 211

                                                                    Porcelain, special kinds of, ii, 201

                                                                    Porcelain, white, ii. 195

                                                                    Portuguese, ii. 68, 89

                                                                    Po-Shan Hsien, i. 103, 107, 188, 200

                                                                    Po wu yao Ian, i. 61, 224

                                                                    Po-yang Lake, i. 152

                                                                    Pot-hook-like herbage, ii. 90

                                                                    Potter Palmer Collection, i. 34, 35

                                                                    •otters' marks, i. 221

                                                                    otters'  names,    i,  220,  223                      ii, 64

                                                                    ottery, origin of, i. 2

                                                                    '•ecious Objects, Eight, ii. 297, 298

                                                                    •ecious stone red, ii. 11, 122

                                                                    recious SjTnbols, Eight, ii. 42

                                                                    —Press-hand " bowls, ii, 93
                                                                          II 2 P



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