Page 71 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Eternal Music in Chinese art
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A RARE CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL ‘SAGES Compare with a related cloisonné enamel 銅胎掐絲填多色琺瑯彩,畫面描繪二高士曳
plaque mounted within a zitan screen,
AND QIN’ PANEL 杖訪友,身後紅衣小童抱琴跟隨,兩側山石
Qianlong Qianlong, in the Qing Court Collection, 逡巡,填青金色、石青色及象牙白諸料,山
The rectangular panel finely decorated in showing an attendant carrying a qin in a 石間白雲繚繞,松林掩映五彩別墅,畫面下
bright enamels with two sages followed by river and mountain landscape, illustrated in 方一彎溪水,岸邊有仙鶴四隻,山石上亦立
an acolyte carrying a qin and walking to a Compendium of Collections in the Palace 三鶴,仰望雲中一鶴飛來。
pavilion in a rocky landscape, four cranes on Museum: Enamels 3 Cloisonné in the Qing
the riverside, one in the sky and two standing Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011, no.60. 此圖所繪九鶴為長生圖騰,攜琴訪友圖為宋
on a rock amidst blue and green mountains, See also similar cranes depicted in a cloisonné 代以來常見的裝飾題材。參考北京故宮倉一
huanghuali frame. enamel two-sided plaque, Qianlong, in the 件清乾隆掐絲琺瑯山水圖掛屏中的琺瑯嵌
49.5cm (19 1/2in) high x 42.5cm (16 3/4in) wide. Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, illustrated 屏,亦描繪攜琴訪友場景,見《故宮博物院
by B.Quette, ed., Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels 藏品大系琺瑯器篇》,北京,2011年,卷3,
HKD100,000 - 150,000 from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, New 頁60。巴黎裝飾藝術博物館藏一件乾隆掐絲
York, 2011, no.125 (side b).
US$13,000 - 19,000 琺瑯兩面屏,一面所繪仙鶴與本件頗似,見
B.Quette編,《Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels
The scene depicting nine cranes and pine from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties》,
清乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯攜琴訪友圖掛屏 trees symbolises the wish for long life. The 紐約,2011年,編號125。
attendant is shown carrying a wrapped qin,
one of the Four Scholarly Accomplishments,
to be played at leisure by the sages walking
towards the pagoda.