Page 39 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 39
fig. 1 From the collection of William Randolf Hearst, fig. 2 detail
圖二 細部
sold at Christie’s New York, 16 September 1998, lot 26
圖一 威廉·赫茲舊藏 紐約佳士得 1998 年 9 月 16 日 拍品 26 號
8003 Continued 器深弧腹,折沿刻忍冬紋,腹刻上下交錯大朵牡丹花葉紋,近底處以
Massive Longquan celadon jardinières of this shape and with this type of 通體青釉,釉色勻稱青翠。
fine relief carving are extremely rare, and no other example with the same
design appears to have been published. A closely related example carved 此花盆形制巨大,紋飾雕琢細膩卻又不失大氣,於龍泉器中罕見。紋
with lotus scroll is illustrated by Anthony du Boulay, Christie’s Pictorial 飾器型均相仿的花盆可參考一件藏於日本出光美術館,載於《中國
History of Chinese Ceramics, Oxford, 1984, p. 97, no. 21, which is possibly 陶磁:出光美術館藏品圖錄》,東京,1987 年,圖版 598 號。另可
the same as the jardinière from the collection of William Randolph Hearst, 比較一件飾以蓮花的例子,其載於 Anthony du Boulay 著《Christie’s
sold at Christie’s New York, 16 September 1998, lot 26 (fig. 1). The band Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics》,牛津,1984 年,頁 97,圖 21 號,
of floral sprays incised on the everted rim (fig. 2) is also found on blue and 後於 1998 年 9 月 16 日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品 26 號(圖一)。此盆
white cup stands from the Yongle period, such as the example in the Palace 口沿刻有折枝忍冬紋(圖二),與永樂青花盞托上所見形式如出一轍,
Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of 故可知製作年代相仿,永樂青花盞托見故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系《青
the Palace Museum, Blue and White Porcelain with Underglazed Red (I), Hong 花釉裏紅(上)》,香港,2000 年,頁 84,圖版 81 號。
Kong, 2000, p. 84, no. 81.