Page 45 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 45
fig. 1 Collection of the Museé Guimet, Paris
圖一 吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館藏品
8004 Continued 瓶短頸,圓肩,肩以下至底漸收,近足處外撇,淺圈足。外壁琺華裝飾,
The current meiping is one of the finest fahua vessels known. The clean 彩。肩部飾折枝牡丹紋間以鶴紋,以及如意雲頭紋一周,主體紋飾為
outlines of the appliqués and the meticulous precision at which they have 蓮池紋,近足處為海水江崖紋。足底、瓶底澀胎無釉。
been applied are of a remarkably high quality. A meiping of nearly identical
design but without a band of beads beneath the ruyi-heads, is in the 琺華器創燒於元代,興盛於明。傳世例子多不如此瓶精美,瀝粉輪廓
Museé Guimet, Paris, illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The World's Greatest 不僅不清晰,釉彩亦常見流淌於輪廓外的情況。此器採梅瓶造型,器
Collections, vol. 7, Tokyo, 1981, no. 80 (fig. 1). 型修長秀美,輪廓立體,釉彩鮮麗,蓮瓣以罕見貼花堆疊的方式而成,
意雲肩下並無珠飾,見《東洋陶磁大觀 -7》,東京,1981 年,圖版
80 號(圖一)。