Page 51 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 51
8005 Continued 罐短頸,豐肩下斂,淺圈足。外壁五彩繪通景嬰戲圖,八子盡情於庭
While the subject of boys at play was very popular on imperial porcelain 傳神。肩飾蕉葉紋一周。足內青花書「大明嘉靖年製」楷書款。
produced during the Jiajing reign, those decorated in the wucai palette are
very rare. Only two other Jiajing-marked jars of this design appear to have 嬰戲圖為嘉靖官窯主要的紋飾之一,多見青花品種,五彩者十分罕見。
been published, one from the Lauritzen collection is illustrated by Osvald 嘉靖近似例僅知兩例,一件經截口,為瑞典 Holger Lauritzen 珍藏,
Sirén, Kinas konst under tre årtusenden, vol. 2, Stockholm, 1942, fig. 543, 載於喜仁龍著《Kinas konst under tre årtusenden》,第 2 冊,斯德哥爾
which has a reduced neck; and the second was formerly in the collections of 摩,1942 年,圖 543;另一先後為 A.T. Warre、Montague L. Meyer、
A.T. and Montague L. Meyer, sold at Sotheby’s London, 10 July 1951, lot Kolkhorst 遞藏,於倫敦蘇富比三次拍賣,1951 年 7 月 10 日,拍品 84 號,
84, and again 17 February 1959, lot 92, from the Kolkhorst Collection, and 1959 年 2 月 17 日拍賣,拍品 92 號,以及 1970 年 4 月 14 日,拍品 92 號。
then again 14 April 1970, lot 92.
此紋樣設計延續至萬曆,參考一例載於《龍泉集芳》,第 1 冊,東京,
The design continued into the Wanli period, see for example, a Wanli- 1976 年,圖版 934 號,以及香港佳士得 1989 年 9 月 26 日拍賣一例,
marked jar illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, vol. 1, Tokyo, 1976, no. 拍品 585 號。惟此二例的構圖較鬆散,紋飾勾勒過於隨意,品質不如
934; and another sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 26 September 1989, lot 前朝。
585. The painting style on both of these jars is much more stylised and less
refined than their predecessors.