Page 73 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
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fig. 1 Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
圖一 國立故宮博物院藏品
8009 Continued 盒為蔗段式,通體黃漆素地雕朱漆紋飾。蓋面刻牡丹花叢,中心一朵,
The floral designs on early Ming lacquer boxes represent some of the finest 兩兩成組。蓋內、盒內、盒底髹褐色漆。盒底邊緣針刻「大明永樂年
decoration found in Chinese decorative repertoire, as evident in the exquisite 製」款。整體紋飾雕刻纖細精緻,構圖滿而不窒,刀法流利,磨製圓滑,
carving on the present box. 反映了永樂一朝高超的官方水平。
Boxes with similar configuration of a central peony blossom surrounded by 此類花卉紋圓盒為永樂官造雕漆中的典型作品,惟此件尺寸較大,於
further blooms among dense foliage are known, though larger examples in 同期作品中極其罕見。台北故宮有一件紋飾、尺寸相仿的永樂款蓋盒,
the current size are very rare. The closest comparable example is a Yongle- 蓋內刻乾隆四十七年(1782) 御題詩,載於《和光剔彩 – 故宮藏漆》,
marked box and cover in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, which is 台北,2008 年,頁 33,圖版 14 號(圖一)。另參考兩件紋飾相仿但
inscribed with a Qianlong imperial poem on the underside of the cover, 尺寸較小的例子,一藏北京故宮,底邊永樂刻款,載於《故宮博物院
see Carving the Subtle Radiance of Colors: Treasured Lacquerware in the National 藏雕漆》,北京,1985 年,圖版 31 號;一藏上海博物館,底邊宣德刻款,
Palace Museum, Taipei, 2008, p. 33, no. 14 (fig. 1). For two smaller examples 係改永樂款而成,載於中國美術分類全集《中國漆器全集 –5– 明》,
following this configuration, see a Yongle-marked box and cover in the 福州,1995 年,圖版 22 號。
Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Gugong Bowuyuan cang diaoqi, Taipei,
1985, no. 31; and another in the Shanghai Museum, which is incised with a
Xuande mark over an effaced Yongle mark, illustrated in Zhongguo qiqi quanji,
vol. 5, Fuzhou, 1995, no. 22.