Page 93 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
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fig. 1 Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
圖一 國立故宮博物院藏品
8012 Continued 撇口,深弧壁,圈足。器型因反扣如銅鐘故名。內外皆施黃釉,釉色
Yellow monochrome porcelains from the Xuande period are exceptionally
rare. The only one other example in this distinctive form is in the National 黃釉瓷創燒於宣德一朝,數量極其稀少。此盌為仰鐘式,更是難能可
Palace Museum,Taipei, and has a similarly incised reign mark, see collection 貴,流通市場上僅見此例,傳世品僅知另外一例藏於台北故宮博物院,
number: guci12497/yuan199 (fig. 1).The serial number for the National 館藏編號:故瓷 12497/ 院 199(圖一)。該盌於 1925 年點查號為「麗」
Palace Museum bowl from the 1925 inventory begins with the character 字,原藏地點為紫禁城古董房,可見此盌之珍貴。
li, indicating that it was originally housed in the gudong fang, ‘Chamber of
Antiques’, in the Forbidden City. 存世的宣德黃釉瓷器以盤居多,款識見刻款及青花款兩種。刻款的盤
The majority of the other surviving Xuande mark and period yellow- 東京,1977-8 年,第 1 冊,圖版 100 號 ( 直徑 18.3 公分 ),另一見《明
enamelled porcelain are dishes, bearing either an incised reign mark for 代宣德官窯菁華特展圖錄》,台北,1998 年,圖版 162 號 (18.5 公分 );
larger examples, or underglaze-blue marks for smaller dishes. For the former, 以及一件於香港蘇富比拍賣,1990 年 11 月 13 日,拍品 120 號 (20 公
see two dishes in the National Palace Museum,Taipei, one (18.3 cm.) 分 )。青花款的例子可參考北京國家博物館所藏一例,載於《中國國家
published in Minji meihin zuroku,Tokyo, 1977-8, vol. 1, no. 100, and the other 博物館館藏文物研究叢書:瓷器卷:明代》,上海,2007 年,圖版 49
(18.5 cm.) in Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Selected Hsüan-te Imperial 號 (12.8 公分 );香港佳士得拍賣一例,2014 年 5 月 28 日,拍品 3418
Porcelains of the Ming Dynasty,Taipei, 1998, no. 162; and a third (20 cm.) sold 號 (12.1 公分 );Alfred Clark 舊藏一例,載於東方陶瓷協會《Monochrome
at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 13 November 1990, no. 120. Porcelain of the Ming and Manchu Dynasties》,倫敦,1948 年,圖版
180 號 (12.1 公分 ),同書圖版 186 號為一件宣德刻款的黃釉高足盌,
Yellow-enamelled sherds had been recovered from the Xuande stratum of 後於倫敦蘇富比拍賣,1975 年 12 月 9 日,拍品 134 號。
the Ming imperial kiln site at Jingdezhen.These include fragments of an
unmarked yellow-enamelled covered ewer, and of a deep bowl bearing an 仰鐘式盌盛行於宣德期間,除了上述的黃釉例子以外,台北故宮博物
underglaze-blue mark, illustrated in Xuande Imperial Porcelain excavated at 院另藏有白釉暗花、霽青釉、青花、及仿龍泉青釉等例,分載於《明
Jingdezhen, Chang Foundation,Taipei, 1998, p. 47, nos. 43-2, and p. 109, nos. 代宣德官窯菁華特展圖錄》,圖版 57-60 號。景德鎮珠山御器廠亦
112-1, respectively. 曾出土紅釉仰鐘式盌殘片,見《景德鎮出土明宣德官窯瓷器》,圖版
115-1 號。
The current form was also made in different monochrome glazes as well as
in blue and white, all bearing underglaze-blue marks, see examples in white 黃釉以氧化鐵為呈色劑,有兩種施釉方法,一為素坯上直接上釉,一
glaze with anhua decoration, blue glaze, and blue and white in the National 為在高溫燒成的白釉施釉,再以約攝氏 800 度的低溫二次燒造,但往
Palace Museum,Taipei, illustrated in op. cit. pp. 168-9, no. 57, pp. 170-1, no. 往會造成釉色不均的現象。此盌雖採二次施釉,但釉色均勻,極為難
58, and pp. 172-3, no. 59, respectively. Sherds of a red-glazed bowl have also 得。景德鎮御窯廠宣德地層曾出土黃釉執壺及盤的殘片,但二者釉色
been recovered from the Xuande stratum of the Ming imperial kiln site at 皆不均勻,故經淘汰,見 1998 年鴻禧美術館展覽《景德鎮出土明宣德
Jingdezhen, see the Chang Foundation, op. cit., p. 114, nos. 115-1. 官窯瓷器》展覽圖錄圖版 43-2 號 ( 執壺 ) 及 112-1 號 ( 盤 )。