Page 17 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Dragon Throne For The Son Of Heaven
P. 17
Fig. 2: A carved lacquer throne with cloud and dragon design, mid Qing dynasty, 103.3 Fig. 3: A carved lacquer throne with cloud and dragon design, mid Qing dynasty, 103.3
cm. long, 113 cm. high, originally collected in the Forbidden city, After The Complete cm. long, 113 cm. high, originally collected in the Forbidden city, After The Complete
Collection of Ming and Qing Dynasty Furniture in the Palace Museum: Throne, vol. 1, Collection of Ming and Qing Dynasty Furniture in the Palace Museum: Throne, vol. 1,
Beijing, 2015, p. 301. Beijing, 2015, p. 291.
圖2: 清中期剔紅雲龍紋寶座,103.3公分寬,113公分高,載2015年北 圖3: 清中期剔紅雲龍紋寶座,103.3公分寬,113公分高,載2015年北
京出版《故宮博物院藏明清家具全集1寶座》,頁301 京出版《故宮博物院藏明清家具全集1寶座》,頁291
of the Yongzheng reign, an entry in the palace 4th year of the Yongzheng reign. With regard on the 18th day of the 11th month in the same
records notes that eunuchs Zhang Yuzhu and to carved lacquer thrones, the one mentioned year (i.e. the 7th year of the Qianlong reign). It is
Wang Changgui presented one chenxiangmu above seems to be the only example documented noted in the palace records that on the 18th day
carving of a double-gourd, one gilt lacquer table throughout the Yongzheng reign. of the 11th month in the 7th year of the Qianlong
for the wanshou ding (literally ‘eternal longevity reign, Bai Shixiu, a warehouseman, reported
censer’), one fangyangqi (foreign style lacquer) On the 10th day of the 8th month in the 7th year that the chief eunuch, Kai Qili, had presented a
folding screen depicting the theme of ‘Envoys of the Qianlong reign, the palace records further yangqi (foreign lacquer’) throne, a pair of yangqi
from Vassal States and Foreign Countries note that a eunuch, Lu Jinchao, reported that the bookcases, an embroidered nine-panel screen,
Presenting Tributes to the Emperor’ and the chief eunuch, Kai Qili, had presented one carved two pairs of yangqi incense stands, and two
shou-character, one carved lacquer fve-dragon lacquer throne, one polychrome golden dragon pairs of small incense stands. And the Emperor
throne (complete with a silk brocade seat silk brocade seat cushion, a pair of polychrome decreed: ‘Have them sent to the Chief Eunuch’s
cushion), a fangyangqi tianxiang (literally ‘flled-in golden dragon silk brocade wrist cushions, a Bureau at the Yuanmingyuan.’ The records also
with fragrant lacquer’) kang seat with a backrest, fve-panel carved lacquer screen (accompanied say that all the aforementioned items were
two fangyangqi incense stands, four fangyangqi by a raised throne platform), two carved lacquer delivered by Bai Tang’a and Gao Wushi to the
lanterns, a palace incense garniture set of three altar tables, a pair of carved fushou (‘blessings Chief Eunuch’s Bureau at the Yuanmingyuan on
(i.e. a censer, a vase and a box), one wanfu and longevity’) dishes (accompanied by a pair of the 25th day of the same month (see illustration
youtong (a quote from the Book of Odes, meaning incense stands), a pair of carved lacquer incense on page 24).
‘May you have eternal blessings’) tianxiang kang censers (accompanied by a pair of incense
table, one small incense stand to be placed on a stands), a pair of carved lacquer ram’s horn Again, the entry does not indicate the source of the
tianxiang kang table, one tianxiang vase, and one lanterns with stands (together with a base for set of yangqi furniture. Judging by the Yongzheng
palace incense dish (see illustration on page 22). each), and a pair of fangyangqi bookcases. And emperor’s preference for yangqi, it seems probable
All of these were presented by Sui Hede. And the the Emperor decreed: ‘Have them delivered to the that these items were inherited from his reign. But
Emperor decreed: ‘Have them sent to the chief Chief Eunuch’s Bureau at the Yuanmingyuan.’ On given the absence of records of carved lacquers
eunuch at the Yuanmingyuan for safekeeping the 11th day of the same month, Bai Tang’a and being made during the Yongzheng reign, one
and present them for perusal when I next visit Qiang Yong delivered the aforementioned carved cannot help but wonder where exactly these carved
the Yuanmingyuan.’ On the 21st day of the same lacquer throne and the remaining items to the lacquer pieces mentioned in the 7th year of the
month, Hai Wang, a bureau director, and Man Chief Eunuch’s Bureau at the Yuanmingyuan. Qianlong reign were from. In all likelihood they
Pi, a director, handed these items to Bai Tang’a were contemporaneous pieces from the Qianlong
Insofar as carved lacquer thrones are concerned,
and Fo Bao, who would deliver them to the reign.
this is the earliest Qianlong entry identifed, but
Palace Archive Ofice at the Yuanmingyuan for
the palace records make no mention of where According to an entry about the palace sewing
safekeeping by Bao De, the head of the imperial
these carved lacquers had been produced or workshop on the 25th day of the 12th month
guards and bureau director. Sui Hede was a
who had presented them, or if they were simply in the 9th year of the Qianlong reign, Shixiu
Manchurian appointed the superintendent of the
from the Imperial collection of the Qing court. reported that eunuch Hu Shijie had presented
Imperial Silk Manufactory at Jiangning in the
Interestingly, a yangqi throne was presented a carved red lacquer dragon throne, which had