Page 104 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 104


AN IMPERIALLY INSCRIBED WHITE                       This finely carved jade table screen portrays the
AND BLACK JADE TABLE SCREEN                         Song dynasty scholar Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073)
QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG                              who is known for his love of lotus. The design is
PERIOD                                              complemented by Zhou’s famous short essay
                                                    Ai lian shuo (‘On the love of the lotus’), which
of rectangular form, the front deftly and deeply    praises the purity and integrity of the lotus
worked in varying levels of relief, depicting an    because it rises clean out of muddy water, just as
idyllic scene of the scholar Zhou Dunyi standing    a scholar can rise above worldly affairs.
beside a crouching attendant by a fenced podium
emerging from cragged rockwork, admiring            Zhou’s essay was popular since the Song dynasty
blooming lotuses on a flowing river before          and the concept continued to be influential in the
mountains in a distance, the scene framed on        succeeding periods, especially among the literati.
the right with tall pine trees on jagged rocks,     The Qing emperors also showed their admiration
lightly inscribed to the reverse in Qianlong’s      of Zhou. The Yongzheng Emperor copied the
calligraphy with Zhou’s poem Ai lian Shuo (‘On      poetic essay and the calligraphy was later printed
the love of the lotus’) and two characters reading  and included in Siyitang fatie [Modelbooks of the
yubi (‘In the Imperial hand’), followed by two      Siyi Hall], compiled by the Qianlong Emperor in
square seals reading Jixia yiqing (‘When does       the first year of his reign (corresponding to 1736).
one have the leisure to delight the heart?’) and
de jiaqu (‘obtaining refined enjoyment’), all       For a similar jade table screen inscribed with an
bordered by a key-fret band, raised on a zitan      imperial poem written by the Qianlong Emperor
wood stand carved with stylised taotie masks,       and carved with a lotus pond, but without any
above a stepped rectangular plinth formed from      figures, see an example sold in these rooms,
reticulated lotus and ruyi panels divided by        8th October 2014, lot 3656. A related jade table
baluster-form supports between horizontal lappet    screen also inscribed with an imperial poem,
bands                                               depicting the calligrapher Wang Xizhi (303-
jade 23 by 16.7 cm, 9 by 6½ in.                     361) gazing at geese, is in the collection of the
                                                    Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University,
PROVENANCE                                          Cambridge, Mass., object no. 1942.185.173.A.

An English private collection.
Christie’s London, 10th/11th November 2005,
lot 390.

HK$ 2,000,000-3,000,000
US$ 256,000-384,000

清乾隆 御題墨白玉周子愛蓮插屏 連 紫檀座



102 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
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