Page 21 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 21

Meticulously painted with sinuous chilong among     雍正在位年間,景泰藍並不甚受重視,但至乾
clouds on a blue ground, this piece belongs         隆之時,弘曆對銅胎掐絲琺瑯器尤為鍾愛,除
to a group of vessels commissioned by the           大規模製作外,嘗下命以瓷仿傚,本品當屬其
Qianlong Emperor which was created to imitate       中。當時也有以銅胎畫琺瑯仿掐絲琺瑯之品,
cloisonné enamel. Qianlong was particularly         以描金細線代替曲捲銅絲。雖為倣模之作,但
fond of cloisonné work which he revived on a        畫師在疊點彩料,營造深度,更形生動,如瓶
grand scale after a period of disregard under       上游龍,靈動如生,華麗悅目。
the Yongzheng Emperor. He had it imitated in
painted enamel and porcelain, where the wires       參考與此相近之對瓶,見於 E. Gorer 及 J.
separating the cloisons of different enamels were   F. Blacker,《Chinese Porcelain and Hard
mirrored by finely painted golden lines, as seen    Stones》,倫敦,1911年,圖版188。另有
in the present piece. However a greater sense of    一松石綠地穿雲游龍瓶,形與此近,先後售於
depth and movement was able to be captured on       紐約蘇富比1975年3月13日,編號465、香港
these painted versions through the use of darker    蘇富比1987年5月20日,編號555和2005年5
stipples of enamel, such as on the bodies of the    月2日,編號509。戴潤齋舊藏有一松石綠地
dragons, to result in a more sumptuous overall      仿掐絲琺瑯八吉祥紋例,見拍品編號3609。

A closely related pair of vases is illustrated in
E. Gorer and J. F. Blacker, Chinese Porcelain
and Hard Stones, London, 1911, pl. 188. See
also a larger turquoise-ground vase of similar
baluster shape but painted with dragons amongst
billowing clouds, sold in our New York rooms,
13th March 1975, lot 465, and twice in these
rooms, 20th May 1987, lot 555, and 2nd May
2005, lot 509. For a turquoise-ground vase, from
the collection of J.T. Tai, similarly enamelled in
cloisonné style, but decorated with bajixiang, see
lot 3609.

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