Page 322 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 322


PROPERTY OF A LADY                                   明弘治 青花梔子花紋盤
‘GARDENIA’ DISH                                      來源:
MARK AND PERIOD OF HONGZHI                           加納爵士收藏
                                                     Ira and Nancy Koger 伉儷收藏
the shallow flaring rounded sides supported          紐約蘇富比1990年11月27日,編號3
on a tapered foot, softly painted in deep blue       玫茵堂收藏
with a spray of gardenias with two blooms and        香港蘇富比2012年4月4日,編號42
two buds in the centre, enclosed on the cavetto
with a spray of pomegranate bearing two ripe         展覽:
skin-bursting fruit, a spray of crab apple with a    The John and Mable Ringling Museum of
blossom and two fruit, a bunch of grapes on a        Art,Sarasota,佛羅里達州,1985 年,編
vine and a lotus flower and pod tied with a ribbon,  號71
the exterior with a continuous scroll of roses, the  The Jacksonville Art Museum,佛羅里達
base inscribed with a six-character reign mark in    州,1987 年,編號71
a double circle                                      《Evolution to Perfection. Chinese
26 cm, 10¼in.                                        Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection》
                                                     ,Sporting d’Hiver,蒙地卡羅,1996 年,
PROVENANCE                                           編號124

Collection of Sir Harry Garner.
Collection of Ira and Nancy Koger.
Sotheby’s New York, 27th November 1990, lot 3.
The Meiyintang collection.
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 4th April 2012, lot 42.

EXHIBITED                                            出版:
                                                     John Ayers,《Chinese Ceramics. The
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art,           Koger Collection》,倫敦,1985 年,編號71
Sarasota, Florida, 1985, no. 71.                     康蕊君,《玫茵堂中國陶瓷》,倫敦,1994-
The Jacksonville Art Museum, Florida, 1987, no.      2010 年,卷2,編號682
Evolution to Perfection. Chinese Ceramics from
the Meiyintang Collection/ Evolution vers la
perfection. Céramiques de Chine de la Collection
Meiyintang, Sporting d’Hiver, Monte Carlo, 1996,
cat. no. 124.


John Ayers, Chinese Ceramics. The Koger
Collection, London, 1985, no. 71.
Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the
Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994-2010, vol. 2,
no. 682.

HK$ 2,500,000-3,500,000
US$ 320,000-448,000


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