Page 37 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 37
This bowl belongs to a small group of wares 盌上繪滿鋪盛開之菊、蓮、牡丹花卉、蓓蕾
decorated with what is known as the ‘mille-fleurs’ 及枝葉,寓意百花呈瑞。西洋多喜用「mille-
design of chrysanthemums, lotuses, peonies, fleurs」(萬花)稱號。然清宮之「錦地夾
flowers buds and various other plants. Although 彩」、「萬花堆」或「錦上添花」等稱謂似更
the Western terminology of ‘mille-fleurs’ is 能表現花卉相互堆疊、不留空隙之圖象布局。
widely used, the Chinese name for this type of 雍正夾彩器極之稀罕,並不常見,或許和雍正
dense design jiacai (mixed or mingled colours) 帝尚好傳統古雅構圖,多於過度華奢和複雜設
appropriately describes the multitude of famille- 計之喜好有關;也可能出於以多色彩料繪畫如
rose shades used. Yongzheng wares using jiacai 斯精妙細密圖案時,所要求之高度準繩所致。
are extremely rare possibly because of the 現器應可入於此系列中少量極其成功和出色製
Emperor’s preference for more classical Chinese 作之一。夾彩技法至乾隆一朝更趨成熟,現藏
designs that tend to be less overpowering and 巴黎吉美博物館之乾隆粉彩「萬花錦」紋罐可
complex, and also because of the very high level 數其中至臻美器之一,見 Michel Beurdeley
of technique involved in making such complex 及 Guy Raindre,《Qing Porcelain. Famille
decorations in the famille-rose palette. The Verte and Famille Rose》,倫敦,1987年,
present bowl was possibly one of the very few 圖版165。
wares that was considered a success in the
making. The jiacai technique was perfected 相同之雍正琺瑯盌僅止三例,一屬清宮舊藏,
by the Qianlong reign as can be seen on one 載錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.琺瑯
of the most beautiful examples of this type of 彩.粉彩》,香港,1999年,圖版15。第二
decoration, the vase in the Musée Guimet, Paris, 例為仇焱之舊藏,錄於 Michel Beurdeley 及
illustrated in Michel Beurdeley and Guy Raindre, Guy Raindre 著書,前述出處,圖版146,後
Qing Porcelain. Famille Verte and Famille Rose, 售於香港蘇富比1981年5月19日,編號589。
London, 1987, pl. 165. 第三例售於香港蘇富比2012年4月4月,編號
Only three other Yongzheng falangcai bowls
of similar design appear to be recorded, one
from the Qing court collection included in The
Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
Museum. Porcelains with Cloisonne Enamel
decoration and Famille Rose Decoration, Hong
Kong, 1999, pl. 15; a second bowl, formerly in
the Edward T. Chow collection, illustrated in
Beurdeley and Raindre, op. cit., pl. 146, and sold
in these rooms, 19th May 1981, lot 589; and a
third bowl also sold in these rooms 4th April 2012,
lot 3191.