Page 54 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 54


PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN                               清乾隆
A FINE AND RARE LARGE                                 《大清乾隆年製》款
CLOISONNE-IMITATION VASE                              來源:
SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF                               放山居,艾弗瑞.莫里森(1821-1897年)收
QIANLONG                                              藏,應於1861年購自洛赫爵士(1827-1900
robustly potted with an ovoid body rising from        蘇格蘭艾雷島馬格代爾爵士收藏
a tall splayed foot to a tall waisted neck and a      倫敦佳士得1971年10月18日,編號82
galleried mouth-rim, the neck flanked by a pair       Jen Chai Art Gallery,紐約,編號A532(戴
of iron-red ruyi sceptre handles, the body boldly     潤齋公司其中一種標籤)
enamelled in vibrant colours against a turquoise      戴潤齋收藏
ground with the bajixiang (‘Eight Buddhist            香港蘇富比2010年10月7日,編號2132
Emblems’), each emblem depicted beribboned,
interspersed with scattered sprigs of lotus and
hibiscus, the neck similarly decorated with a
lotus meander above upright plantain leaves
collaring the the neck, the foot encircled with
interlinked stylised acanthus leaves and a keyfret
border, with details skilfully outlined in gilt, the
interior and base enamelled turquoise, the latter
inscribed in gilt with a six-character seal mark
55 cm, 21⅝in.


Collection of Alfred Morrison (1821-1897), Fonthill
House, Tisbury, Wiltshire, probably acquired in
1861 from Lord Loch of Drylaw (1827-1900).
Collection of the Rt. Hon Lord Margadale of Islay,
Christie’s London, 18th October 1971, lot 82.
Jen Chai Art Gallery, New York, no. A532 (one of
the gallery labels of J.T. Tai & Co.).
Collection of J.T. Tai.
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7th October 2010, lot

HK$ 35,000,000-45,000,000
US$ 4,480,000-5,760,000

Mark  SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59